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He was still reading over the material. There was a lot of it. She’d worked hard to present a thorough package. But she had one other idea up her sleeve.

Grayson straightened the papers and slid them back in the folder. “You’ve certainly given me a lot to think about. Between the proposed national advertising campaign and the tax reduction, I’m impressed.”

“Good.” But he still didn’t seem thoroughly convinced and that worried her.

He picked up the folder. “I appreciate your thoroughness.”

She refused to stop while she was on a roll. If she could bring this deal about, the South Shore would have an amazing facility for seniors in need of assistance. It would have decent-priced housing for young families. And this café would give young people a reason to hang out in the South Shore without causing a ruckus. And from the reviews she’d read about the cafés in other cities, it would provide a popular tourist destination.

“Why not hang out with me today?” she asked in her best cajoling voice. When his gaze narrowed in on her, she smiled.

“I have some reports to review and emails to answer.”

“Can’t they wait just a little bit?” She had to think fast here. “After all, it’s a beautiful day in Mirraccino. And this is your first and perhaps your last trip here. And you haven’t seen that much of the island.”

“I’ve seen enough—”

“To know that it’s beautiful. But I haven’t yet shown you other parts of it. Mirraccino is a complex nation. It has a rich history, but it is also a thriving community with a technology base that tops the region. And there are lots of young people—young people who would like the opportunity to remain here in Mirraccino when they complete their education.”

Grayson rubbed a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. “I don’t know.”

The way his eyes twinkled told her he was playing with her. She asked, “Are you going to make me beg?”

Surprise and interest lit up his handsome face. “I—think—”

“You’ll be a gentleman and accept my invitation without making me go to such great extremes.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Boy, you know how to take the fun out of things.”

“I thought fun was what we just had before we were interrupted.” She was blatantly flirting with him, something she rarely did, but there was something about him—something that brought out the impish side of her.

“Is that what we were doing?”

He wanted her. It was written all over his face and as much as she’d like to fall into his arms, they’d both agreed it wasn’t a good idea. There was work to be done. And she wasn’t about to confuse her priorities again.

Before lunch, she’d had the forethought to set up some appointments at the university with the faculty and some of the computer science students. She had a feeling if he were to see this island nation for all of its benefits, he’d change his mind about expanding his business here. At least she hoped...

And what was in it for her? Besides helping her community once their business was concluded, she wouldn’t mind another of those mind-blowing kisses. Not that she was anxious for anything serious. She didn’t have time for a relationship. But if he were to set up a business in Mirraccino, she might be able to make time for a little fun. As it was, all work and no play made for a dull Annabelle. That’s what her brother always used to tell her. Maybe he wasn’t all wrong.

Grayson quietly studied her for a moment. “Okay. You’ve won me over. Let’s go.”

Yay! This plan would work. She knew what he wanted and now she could show him that Mirraccino could provide it. “Just give me a second to freshen up.”

“Do you mind if I take another look at that cryptic note?”

His question surprised her, but she didn’t see how it would hurt. While Grayson read over the note, Annabelle touched up her makeup and swept her hair up into a ponytail. She knew that it was fine just the way it was, but she had an impulse to look her best. Not that she was trying to impress anyone of course...



Grayson couldn’t help but smile at Annabelle’s enthusiasm. Her eyes twinkled when she was excited and she couldn’t stand still. She stared at him with rapt attention.

“It’d been a long time since someone had looked at him like he was at the center of their world. He’d forgotten how good it felt for someone to care about his opinion. Was it wrong that he didn’t want it to end?

“Grayson, please, say something.”

“I really enjoyed today. Thank you.”

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