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Annabelle shook her head. “I started all of this and if there is to be any peace for the remainder of Grayson’s stay, I must fix it.”

Her uncle sighed. “You always were a stubborn girl. So much like your mother. Do what you must, but a full security team will accompany you.”

She knew better than to argue with the king. There was only so much he was willing to concede and she knew she’d hit that limit. She was fine with the escort as long as they hung back.

She gave her uncle a hug. “I’m sorry I worried you. That was never my intention.”

“I know. Though some may think otherwise, it’s not always an easy life. There are limitations to what we can or should do.”

“I unders

tand. I will be more cautious.”

And with her uncle’s blessing she set off down the drive to address the media. Though her insides shivered with nervous energy, she kept moving. She would fix this and then she would speak with Grayson.

The household knew to alert her when he returned from his walk. So far she hadn’t heard a word. Surely he’d be back soon.



Grayson picked up his pace as he retraced his footsteps back to the palace. The calming sound of the water and the gentle breeze had soothed his agitation as he’d hoped it would.

And now he had to find Annabelle. He had to tell her what he’d uncovered. Something told him that she’d be just as intrigued as he was.

As the last lingering rays of the sun danced over the sea, Grayson took the steps trailing up the side of the cliff two at a time. He knew she’d also want an explanation for his peculiar reaction in the car.

And as much as part of him wanted to avoid her and those uncomfortable questions, there was another part of him that was excited to tell her what he’d figured out. And yet, the conclusions he’d arrived at only prompted more questions. Hopefully Annabelle would have the necessary answers. He just had to find her.

When he reached the patio area overlooking the beach, he stopped. There before him was a beautiful dinner table set with fine linens and china. It was lit with candles, giving it a warm and romantic atmosphere.

He inwardly groaned, realizing that he’d stumbled into someone’s special plans. Someone was going to have a nice evening—a very nice evening. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d wined and dined someone.

Thankfully no one appeared to be about. He made a beeline for the door, hoping to get away without being noticed.

“Mr. Landers,” the gravelly male voice called out.

He stopped in his tracks, feeling as though he were back in elementary school. The principal had more than once caught him pulling pranks on his classmates. Sometimes he’d done it just to make them smile, but more times than not it was because he was bored senseless. No one had recognized that he had excelled far beyond his class. Not his teachers and not his parents. As long as he maintained good grades, no adult paid him much attention.

Grayson turned to find out what he’d done this time. “Yes.”

The butler stood there. His face was void of emotion. Grayson couldn’t help but wonder how many years it’d taken the man to perfect that serious look. Grayson didn’t think he could mask his emotions all day, every day. It definitely took skills that he didn’t possess.

“Lady Annabelle requested that you wait here for her. She will be here momentarily.”

“You mean the table, it’s for us?”

The man nodded and then withdrew back behind the palace walls.

Grayson wasn’t sure what to make of this scene. He moved to the wall at the edge of the patio. He stared off at the peaceful water while a gentle breeze rushed over his skin. This whole thing felt like a dream, but it wasn’t.

He turned back to the table. It was most definitely real. What exactly did Annabelle have in mind for this evening? It was obvious he hadn’t scared her off with that meltdown in the car. But how was that possible? Was she used to people freaking out when the paparazzi were in hot pursuit?

“Grayson, there you are,” Annabelle crossed the patio to where he stood next to the wall. “Listen, I’m so sorry about earlier. But no worries, I took care of it.”

“You took care of it?” He sent her a puzzled look.

“The press. I gave them a statement. I’m sorry that I had to out us.”
