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“What else did the note say?” Annabelle asked.

“Five. Two.”

“What do you think that means?”

“If I have to guess, I’d say five down and two across.”

They both looked at the sundial. There was nothing there but the big solid rock and the sundial. Annabelle tried moving the dial, but it was not meant to move.

“Try the rock wall,” Grayson suggested, already scanning the area for any sign of disturbance.

Together they worked for the next hour trying each and every stone, but none of them would give way.

Annabelle kicked at the wall. “This is pointless.”

“Hey, don’t give up so easily.”

“Why not? It’s obvious that none of these rocks are going to move. There’s nothing here.”

He had to agree. He didn’t think this was the spot. But the note had been so specific. If they could just find the right sundial.

“What makes you think the sundial is here in Mirraccino?” Grayson asked. He couldn’t shake the thought that Annabelle and her mother had lived in Halencia and she had found the note in Halencia, yet they were looking here in Mirraccino.

“It’s a gut feeling, plus the fact that my mother was murdered here in Mirraccino. It’s going to be here.” She turned back to the rock wall. “What am I missing?”

“Is it possible there’s another sundial around here?”

Just then the butler, Alfred, came up the walk. “Oh, there you are, ma?

?am.” He sent her a puzzled look as she stood in the dirt next to the wall. And then in polished style, he acted as though nothing were amiss. “The king would like to know if you and Mr. Landers will be joining him for dinner.”

Annabelle glanced at Grayson. She didn’t know where their relationship stood and she had absolutely no idea if Grayson would even be here come dinnertime. And more than anything, she didn’t want to stop for dinner. She wanted to keep hunting for the other sundial.

“I had plans to take Lady Annabelle to dinner,” Grayson said to her utter surprise. “But if that’s a problem, we could go another time.”

“No, sir. Not a problem. I will let the king and staff know that you have other plans.” The man turned to walk away.

“Alfred, do you have a moment?” Annabelle made her way back to the sidewalk with Grayson right behind her.

The butler turned to her. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Grayson and I were just talking about the sundial. Do you know how old it is?”

“No, ma’am, I don’t. It could very well be as old as the palace.”

“See,” Annabelle turned to Grayson, hoping he’d play along. “I told you it was really old.”

Grayson’s eyes momentarily widened before they went back to normal. “Yes, you did. I just love all of these historical artifacts. Sundials happen to be a favorite of mine.”

“Alfred, do you know of any other sundials on the island?”

The butler paused for a moment as though surprised by the question. She hoped he would give them the clue they needed to find the next piece of this puzzle that her mother had left behind for her.

“Actually, ma’am, there is one other. It’s in the old park in the city.”

“That’s wonderful.” Annabelle couldn’t help but smile. The butler watched her carefully and then just to cover her tracks, she said, “I’ll have to show it to Grayson before he leaves the island.”

“Anything else, ma’am?”
