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Annabelle craned her neck. Her gaze frantically searched for her purse. Oh, please, let this be the right person. Let him still have my purse. And then she realized that during the foot chase he could have ditched it anywhere along the way. Her elation waned.

Her gaze latched on to the tall, dark and sexy man standing in the center of the scene. She’d sensed him staring at her earlier. But with those dark sunglasses, she couldn’t make out his eyes. He was tall with an athletic build. Her gaze took in the heavy layer of scruff trailing down his jaw, and she couldn’t help wondering what he’d look like without it. The thought intrigued her, but right now she had more pressing matters on her mind.

She was about to glance away when she noticed that he was holding her purse. Her gut said he wasn’t the thief. The young man next to him giving the policeman a hard time was wearing a dark ball cap. That had to be the culprit. The kid had the right build as well as a smart mouth.

“Hey you! That’s my purse!” Annabelle called out, hoping the stranger would hear her. “I need it back.”

A reporter positioned himself between them. The man with her purse began backing away and turning his face away from the camera. What was up with that?

She had to get to the man with her purse. And it’d probably go better if she didn’t have Berto in tow. Even though she knew he was a gentle giant, strangers found his mammoth size and quiet ways a bit off-putting.

While Berto glanced over the crowd for a new threat, she quietly slipped away. She threaded her way through the lingering crowd. There was a lot of pardon me and excuse me. But finally she made her way over to the man with her purse in his hand just as the officer was escorting the thief to the police car.

Annabelle had to crane her neck to gaze into the man’s face.

“Thank you so much. I didn’t think I’d ever see my purse again. You’re quite a hero.”

The man looked uncomfortable with her praise. “I’m glad I could help.”

“Well, I really appreciate it.”

“No big deal.”

It was a huge deal, but she didn’t want to get into any of that right now. “If you’ll just give me my purse, I’ll be going.”

Even standing this close to the man, she couldn’t make out his eyes through the large, dark sunglasses. His brows rose in surprise, but he didn’t make any motion to give it back.

“Is there a problem?”

“I can’t hand it over.” The man’s voice was deep and smooth like a fine gourmet coffee.

He couldn’t be serious. She pressed her hands to her hips. “I don’t think you understand. That’s my purse. He,” she gestured to the thief, who was struggling with the police officer, “stole it from me.”

“And it’s evidence. You’ll have to take it up with the police.”

Really? He was going to be a stickler for the law. “Listen, I don’t have time for this. I have a meeting—”

“I have to give this to the police. I’m sorry.” There was a finality to his tone.

What was it with this day? First, there was the scene with her father. Then she missed her flight. And if that wasn’t enough, she’d nearly lost her mother’s journal. And now, this man refused to return her belongings.

Maybe she just needed to take a different approach. “If it’s a reward you want, I’ll need my purse back in order to do that.”

The man frowned. “I don’t need your money.”

This couldn’t be happening. There had to be something she could say to change his mind before the policeman turned his attention their way. At last, she decided to do something that she’d never done before. She was about to play the royalty card. After all, desperate times called for desperate measures. And right now, she was most definitely desperate.

But then she had a thought. “If I don’t file charges, it’s not evidence.”

“You’ll have to take it up with the officer.”

Seriously. Why was the man so stubborn?

“Do you know who I am?”

Before the man could respond, the policeman strode over to them. “I’ll be taking that.”

The mystery man readily handed over her purse. She glared at him, but she didn’t have time to say anything. Her focus needed to remain on getting the journal back.
