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“Hey, no worries. I’ll keep you distracted. After all there’s the heritage dinner in the village and we have to be at the courthouse soon—”

Knock. Knock.

Annabelle opened the door. The butler stood there holding a big package.

“Ma’am, this was just delivered for you.”

“For me? But I’m not expecting anything.”

“I assure you, ma’am that it has your name on it. But if you don’t want it, I’ll take it away.”

“Oh, no, I’ll take it.” She lowered her voice. “I always do enjoy a good surprise.”

Grayson couldn’t help but wonder why there was only one box. He’d expected at least two boxes. Something was amiss, but he’d straighten it out later.

She moved to the table and set down the big box. The outside cardboard shipping package had already been opened. Grayson guessed that was typical protocol for the palace. He couldn’t blame them. In this day and age, one couldn’t take chances when they lived in the public eye.

Annabelle lifted out a big white box with a large red ribbon. She glanced at him again. “You know what this is, don’t you?”

“I’m just watching.”

He enjoyed the childlike excitement written all over her face. Who’d have thought a member of royalty, who could have pretty much anything she wished for, would get so excited over a present. Or maybe the excitement was due to her utter surprise and wonderment. Whatever it was, he wanted to put that look on her face again.

She slid the ribbon from the box. She didn’t waste any time and she wasn’t exactly gentle. She was certainly anxious to see what was inside. Grayson stood back and smiled.

Annabelle lifted the lid and looked inside. At first, she didn’t say anything. His heart stopped. That couldn’t possibly be a good sign. The breath caught in his lungs as he waited.

Annabelle lifted the black sequined tulle gown from the box. He’d read the description of each gown on the internet until he found the one he thought would look best on Annabelle. He just hoped he’d guessed correctly about the size. After all, he’d never bought a gown before. But what was the good of being rich, if you didn’t splurge once in a while?

She turned to him. Her mouth gaped open, but her eyes said it all.

At last, Grayson could breathe. “You like it?”

She nodded vigorously and smiled. “It’s amazing. But I don’t understand.”

“You will. There should be more in the box.”

She turned around and lifted out a Venetian mask with an intricate detail and feathers. “But I...I’m not going to the masquerade ball.”

“You are now. It’s called payback.”

Her puzzled gaze met his. “Payback?”

“Yes, you signed me up for the chariot races and the judging. By the way, I really enjoyed the last part.” When a smile lifted her lips, he knew he could get her to agree to go the masquerade ball...with very little persuasion. “And I thought it was time I signed you up for something.”

Just then his phone buzzed. He wanted to ignore it, but he couldn’t. He was expecting a decision from the board. As he checked the caller ID, he realized it was them.

He moved to the other end of the room to take the call. If it was bad news, he didn’t want Annabelle to overhear. He’d need a moment to find the right words. But he sincerely didn’t believe that it’d come to that.

A few minutes later, he returned to Annabelle. She sent him a curious look but she didn’t pry.

“Aren’t you curious?” he asked.

“I figured if you wanted me to know that you’d tell me.”

“What would you say if I told you the board unanimously approved the South Shore Project?”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”
