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“I disagree. I was robbed of really getting to know her. And shut down any time I ask about her. How else am I supposed to get to know her?”

Her father’s eyes widened with surprise. “Why can’t you just leave the past alone?”

“How am I supposed to do that when you can’t let go of it?”

Her father’s gaze narrowed in on her. “There’s more going on here, isn’t there?”

“No.” She realized that she’d said it too quickly. She’d never been capable of subterfuge and her brother never let her forget it.

“Whatever you’re up to, daughter, I want it stopped. Now!” Her father so rarely raised his voice that when he did, he meant business.

“Is there a problem here?” Grayson’s voice came from behind her.

She’d been so caught up in her heated conversation with her father that she hadn’t even heard Grayson’s footsteps on the gravel of the roadway. But she should have known that he wouldn’t be far behind. He’d said he’d be keeping a close eye on her.

Her father didn’t make any motion to acknowledge Grayson. Instead he continued to stare at her, bullying her into doing as he commanded. And as much as she loved him, she just couldn’t abide by his wishes anymore. Their family was falling apart under the strain of what had happened to their mother. She could no longer bear the mystery, the silence, the not knowing. Someone had to do something and it looked like it was going to be her.

“Poppa, I’d like you to meet Mr. Grayson Landers. He has just bought the last property in the South Shore piazza.”

The two men shook hands. All the while her father eyed up Grayson. She wasn’t sure what was going through her father’s mind, but she’d hazard a guess that it wasn’t good.

Now was her chance to make her move. “Poppa, now that I’ve concluded the South Shore Project on my own, surely you must recognize that was quite an accomplishment.”

Her father’s bushy eyebrows rose. “Yes, you’re right. You did a very good job. I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner. As you know, I had other matters on my mind.”

“I understand.” So far, so good. “Now you have to accept that I can take care of myself. I’d like the security removed.”

“No.” There was a finality in his voice.

She’d heard that tone before and knew that arguing was pointless. When her father made up his mind, he didn’t change it—even when he was wrong. “One of these days you’ll have to let go of me.”

Her father turned to Grayson. “I see the way you look at my daughter and the way she looks at you. Make sure you take care of her.”

Without hesitation, Grayson said, “I will, sir. I promise.”

And then her father turned toward the palace, leaving them in the shadows as the sun set. Annabelle let out a sigh.

Grayson cleared his throat. “So that was your father?”

“The duke himself. I take it he wasn’t what you were expecting.”

“I guess I was just hoping that he would be warmer and friendlier than you’d portrayed.”

“He used to be...when my mother was alive. Her death changed us all.”

“I’m sorry.” And then Grayson drew her into his strong arms. She should probably resist, but right now the thought of being wrapped in his embrace was far too tempting.

The best thing she could do was give her father time to disappear to the study for his evening bourbon and then she would head inside. She was anxious to see if they could read the note yet.

* * *

Nothing was ever easy.

Grayson sighed. The initial treatment with the note hadn’t worked. Some more research on the internet had them searching for yet another chemical. But it was harder to locate and required a trip into the city. Annabelle had insisted on driving. She’d said it calmed her down when she was worked up. And so with her security in the vehicle behind them, they made yet another jaunt into the city.

This trip had been short and to the point. There had been no time for a walk around the South Shore or a stroll through the picturesque university campus. There hadn’t even been a few minutes for some ice cream on this warm day. No, today they both wanted to solve this latest clue.

Like the duke, Grayson was worried about Annabelle’s safety. If he could solve this mystery on his own, he would. But he didn’t know the island well enough in order to make sense of the clues—for that he needed Annabelle.
