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“Oh, my.” The king’s color was sickly white. He stumbled a bit. Grayson and her father rushed to his side and helped him into a chair.

“I’ll get help,” Annabelle said, afraid this revelation was too much for her uncle.

“No. I’m fine,” the king said in an unsteady voice. “I don’t believe this. First my wife is murdered and now, my sister—all in the name of the crown.” His head sunk into his hands.

Annabelle’s heart went out to the man, who had weathered so much during his reign. She’d been so young when her aunt, the queen, was assassinated. The assailant had been aiming for the king but had missed. The whole ordeal had taken a toll on the family, but justice had been carried out. Who’d have imagined a few years later Annabelle’s own mother would be killed.

Sometimes she thought being royal was a blessing and other times, she knew that it was a curse. Because the king was right, if not for the crown, both of the women who had meant so much to him—to all of them—would still be here.

“I think that it was an accident,” Annabelle said, hoping to lessen the blow for everyone.

“Annabelle, how can you talk like this?” Her father’s voice shook with emotion. “He stole your mother from us. Surely you must hate him?”

She shook her head. “No, not hate.”

“I don’t understand,” her father said. “I’m trying, but I just don’t get it.”

She recalled the time she’d spent with her mother. They hadn’t enjoyed many years together but in the time that they’d had, her mother taught her some valuable life lessons. “I don’t think Momma would want any of us to hate Mr. Drago. She used to say that hate, and even the word itself, was a more powerful weapon than anything man could ever create. Hate could destroy a man as sure as it could destroy a nation.”

Her father’s mouth gaped as he tried to absorb his daughter’s words. And then he composed himself. “For a moment there, you sounded just like her. I never knew she told you that. I’d almost forgotten that she’d said it. And so you’ve forgiven this Drago man?”

Annabelle shook her head. “Right now, I’m struggling with the not hating part. Forgiveness, well, it’s a long ways off. He stole a very precious person from me—from all of us. And then he nearly destroyed our family by covering it up. He did a lot of damage, but I’m trying to take comfort in knowing he now has to account for his crimes.”

“I don’t know.” Her father rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t think I can be as calm and rational about this as you.”

She didn’t want to lose her father again to hatred and resentment. Maybe if she explained a little more, it would help. “He said he never meant to hurt her, just scare her. And the gun accidentally fired.”

Her father looked at her with disbelief reflected in his eyes. “And you believed him?”

She nodded. “He was leaving the country and never coming back. I’m not even sure that old gun still worked. What do you think, Grayson?”

Instead of answering her, he turned and walked away.

Where was he going? And why wasn’t he speaking to her?

She chased after him, following him up the stairs. She couldn’t let him get away. Not now. Not after everythi

ng that they’d shared. This was the beginning. Not the end.

* * *

Grayson couldn’t stand there for one more minute.

It didn’t matter what anyone said to Annabelle; she thought that she had done the right thing. He’d only ever been that scared one other time in his life. He’d sworn he would never live through something like it again. And yet just minutes ago he’d been staring down the end of a gun and praying that nothing would happen to Annabelle. And she’d refused to be quiet. She’d kept pushing the man, agitating him.

Grayson’s heart pounded just recalling the horrific scene. Why did he think that staying here was a good idea? Why did he think Annabelle would be different?

He strode down the hallway toward his suite of rooms. He needed to get away—to be alone. A headache was pounding in his temples. His neck and shoulders ached. His muscles had been tense since he realized they’d left the palace without her security.

He’d just stepped in his room when he heard Annabelle calling out his name. Couldn’t she get the message? He just wanted to be alone.


“Not now. Go away.” He looked around for his bag. He needed to start packing. He just couldn’t stay here any longer.

She didn’t say anything for a moment and he was hoping that she’d take the hint and leave. He needed to calm down so he didn’t end up saying anything that he would later regret.

“I can’t go. I don’t understand what’s going on.” She stepped further into the room.
