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Grayson opened his arms up to her and she rushed into them.

“I love you,” she murmured into his ear.

“I love you too.”

At last, she had the love she’d always dreamed of.

Life didn’t get any better than this.


Two months later...

“GRAYSON, WHAT ARE WE doing here?”

Annabelle stood next to the water fountain in the piazza of the South Shore. She was all dressed up as she’d been in business meetings off and on all morning. Grayson knew this because he’d had a horrible time trying to reach her. At one point, he’d feared that his surprise would be ruined. But at last, he’d heard her voice on the other end of the phone and begged her to meet him here.

He smiled at her. “Don’t you know what today is?”

“Of course I do. It’s Wednesday.”

“True. But it’s something else. Something very special.”

“Aren’t you supposed to break ground for your new offices?”


She clasped her hands together and smiled. “Great. Is that what you wanted to show me?”

He shook his head. He had fun surprising her and he’d made a point of it over the past two months, from flowers to chocolate to the sweetest kitten. But today, this would be the biggest surprise of all.

She sent him a puzzled look. “Grayson, what are you up to?”

“Do I need to be up to something?”

She studied him for a moment. “You’re most definitely up to something.” She smiled. “Are you going to tell me? Or do I need to keep guessing?”

This was the moment. He dropped down on one knee. “Lady Annabelle, you captured my heart the first time we stood next to this fountain. You’ve led me on an amazing journey. You’ve taught me how to love. And you’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

Annabelle gasped and pressed a shaky hand to her gaping mouth. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy. All around them a crowd of curious onlookers was gathering, but it didn’t faze him. All that mattered now was Annabelle.

He pulled a little black box from his pocket. He opened it and held it up to her. “Annabelle, I love you. Will you be my best friend, my partner, my lover, forever?”

The tears streamed onto her cheeks as she nodded and smiled.

He placed the ring on her finger before he swept her into his arms and kissed her. He would never tire of holding her close.

When she pulled back, she gazed up at him. “You really want to do this? Get married?”

He nodded. “Definitely. I’m thinking we’ll have a grand wedding. We could have it right here, if you like.”

“Here in the piazza?” She didn’t look so sure. “How about we think it over? After all, I don’t want to rush this. I plan to be engaged only once and I want a chance to savor it.”

“Then how would you feel about the grandest engagement party?”

Her face lit up. “I love it! But the size of the party doesn’t matter as long as all of the men in my life are there.”

“Then it’s a plan. I love you.”
