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"Don't tell your brother what?" Evin said behind us.

Chapter 10

I somehow managed not to jump, and twisted around on the stool. He was standing in the doorway, a newspaper in one hand and what smelled like fresh croissants in the other. My stomach rumbled happily at the thought.

"That she's been helping me with my inquiries," Harris said smoothly, face as expressionless as they came.


"I didn't want you to worry," I added. "Especially given you didn't want me to get involved in the first place. "

Evin grunted and stepped inside the unit. "I'm pretty sure Harris is more than capable of investigating a murder without your assistance. "

Especially given he still half thought I might be involved. But before I could say anything, Harris said, "She saw the soul. I didn't. "

Evin walked around the counter and dumped the newspaper and the bagged croissants on the counter. "And you believe her?"

"There are stranger things in this world than the ability to see souls," Harris said evenly. Which didn't really answer Evin's question. He rose and glanced at me. "I'll be in touch. "

"Thanks. " I watched him walk out, admiring the low-key, animal feel of it and wondering again who the hell he reminded me of.

Evin pushed the bag of freshly baked treats toward me. "I got chocolate chip and blueberry. Take your pick. "

I reached in and grabbed a chocolate chip one, taking a bite and almost melting in pleasure. But my gaze rose to meet my brother's. "So why don't you believe I can see souls?"

"I didn't say that - "

"You implied it," I countered. "So explain. "

He hesitated. "It's not a gift that runs in the pack. Telepathy, yes, but not this whole soul-seeing thing. "

Clairvoyance runs in the pack, the internal voice said, Soul seeing was just a twisted version of that.

"Telepathy? We're telepathic as a pack?"

"Mostly. Not everyone gets the skill, of course. Some flip the other way and are mind-blind. " He shrugged.

"Our siblings are mind-blind, and so are you. "

I was? Again, that statement just felt wrong. And yet, I'd been picking up nothing telepathically from anyone in this town, and surely if I was telepathic, I should have been able to. Of course, there was the whole daggers-inthe-brain factor. Maybe I wouldn't be able to do anything until that eased off.

So why could I see that soul? Why would the pain affect one talent and not the other?

Maybe they didn't know about the other talents, that perceptive little voice inside me whispered.

Of course, I had no fucking clue just who "they" were. Or whether they were nothing more than an overstressed imagination.

But I was really doubting that imagination had anything to do with all this. It was real, and it was happening, and I needed to find out why.

"Well," I said lightly, "that sucks big hairy ones, doesn't it?"

He laughed and dragged a croissant out of the bag. Blueberry, if the color of the juices that oozed out of it were any indication. "So, what are we going to do today?"

I shrugged. I knew what I wanted to do - a little more crime scene investigation - but I wouldn't be able to if Evin was going to stick like glue to my side. "I don't know. Maybe a little swimming, a little sunning, and a whole lot of eating. "

"Sounds like a plan. It's already getting warm out there. "

"Then I'd best go change into a suit. " I grabbed another croissant - this time blueberry - and munched on it happily as I headed into my bedroom to change.
