Page 39 of The Match

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“I wouldn’t tell anyone in the hospital unless they ask, especially not the first-year residents. They will all hate you and assume every surgery you get is because of me. I don’t want anyone to take away from you what you have earned.”

I stand on my tippy toes and lean forward to kiss Sloan. He braces me by placing his hands on my shoulder, holding me against his chest, as his lips part for me. His tongue sweeps into my mouth with a fury, each movement a silent promise for more. Sloan makes love to me with his mouth, as if he’s been holding back on me after all these months. He possesses every ounce of my body, dampening my panties in the process. We stay that way for a few minutes, before Sloan peels his lips from mine, leaving me dying for air.

“I love you, Ava,” he whispers against my lips. “Don’t ever think for one second that I gave you anything that wasn’t owed to you. I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I smile so wide my jaw hurts. “I love you, too, Doc.”

He laughs. “You stopped calling me that a while ago. How come you’re bringing it back?”

I shrug. “It just felt right.”

After work, I head outside and wait for Sloan at his Mercedes. I lean against the window of the sports car with my arms crossed over my chest, loving the fact we no longer have to hide our relationship. But I can’t go rubbing it anyone’s face either.

Ten minutes after I get comfortable against his car, Sloan strolls toward me, dressed in dark scrubs that fit his muscular frame perfectly. Sloan looks like a million bucks. He looks like the next chief of surgery. Sloan oozes sex and power. And he’s all mine.

“Hey, beautiful.” Sloan grabs the back of my head and presses his lips to mine. He invades my mouth with his tongue, showing me just how much he loves me.

Once our lips separate, I am lightheaded. That feeling never goes away with Sloan. “Thanks for making me wet before I even get in the car.”

He laughs. “You are always wet for me, Ava, and I love it.”

I cannot deny what he says because it’s true. This man is a walking orgasm.

“We really dodged a bullet earlier, huh?”

He shrugs, reaching behind me to open the door. “If you call having our shift changed a victory, then I guess so. But I would have preferred another alternative.”

“We had no other options, Sloan.”

I get into the car, and he bends down to slide the seatbelt across my chest. “I’m sure we could have worked something out with human resources.”

“We did,” I remind him.

“It’s not the same without you on my service.” He leans forward to plant a kiss on my cheek and sinks back, still hunched over and at my eye level. “I wish things could have turned out differently for both of us, but there’s no denying that she was right. We can’t have people knowing we are together while you work under me.”

“I’d like to be under you alright.” I wink at him. “And I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Getting caught gave me some clarity. I can learn from someone else just as much as I would have from you.”

“We both know that’s not true,” he says with a frown. “You would have learned a lot from me, under my supervision. My biggest regret is that I took advantage of the time we had together and used it for my own selfish reasons instead of teaching the things you needed to know.”

“I’m choosing cardio. That’s where I belong. My dad was right.”

“If I made chief, I would still oversee surgeries. Technically, I would still be your boss.”

I rub his jawline with my thumb and smile. “I learned plenty from you, Sloan, and I will continue to do so whether or not you are my boss. Now, get in this car. I want to go home and spend the night in bed with you.”

He scans the parking lot with a devious look in his eyes. Then, he tugs at the strings of my scrub bottom and slips his hand down my panties. I moan when his thumb rolls over my clit and he slides two fingers inside me.

“You weren’t lying about being wet.” Sloan licks his lips. “Fuck, Ava.”

“What are you doing?” I tilt my head back against the seat and close my eyes, biting down on my bottom lip. “Someone could see us out here in the open.”

“We are already out in the open. There’s nothing left to hide.” He pushes another finger inside me, causing me to scream out in pain. But the pain quickly turns to pleasure the more he works his magic on me. “Come for me, my love.” He whispers the words in my ear, his breath sending a chill through my body.

I nod, just as my body grows warmer, the heat spreading from my cheeks to my chest. “Yes, sir.”

The corner of his mouth turns up into a wicked smirk. “Now, do as I say and come on my fingers.”

Closing my eyes, I allow the orgasm that rocks through my body to take over, consumed by Sloan and this moment. I moan his name, as if he is exorcizing it from my body along with my orgasm.
