Page 273 of Sempre (Sempre 1)

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“I thought so,” she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “We all make mistakes.”

The expression on Teresa’s face said she didn’t agree.

Celia took a seat across the room, and Corrado sat down on the arm beside her. Haven handed the cherry Coke to Carmine and started to move away, but he pulled her into his lap and wrapped a protective arm around her. Teresa coughed as she choked on her drink, her eyes shifting to Dr. DeMarco as she let out a bitter laugh.

“Teresa,” Salvatore warned, but she simply smiled as he turned his attention to Carmine. “I’m afraid we won’t be able to stay long, Principe. We have a flight for a vacation in Florida, but I had to take a detour to wish you a happy birthday.”

“I appreciate it,” Carmine said. “I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“It’s not every day my godson turns eighteen. This is a big deal.”

“Doesn’t seem that way.”

Salvatore laughed. “Oh, but it is. Do you have any plans this summer?”

Carmine’s grip on Haven tightened, but his voice showed no sign of distress. “Football camp. Other than that, we’ll probably just hang out before my brother leaves.”

“And after summer’s over?”

“I’m sure senior year will be kicking my ass for a while.”

Salvatore raised his eyebrows. “And after you graduate?”

Carmine remained silent for a moment. “College, I guess.”

Salvatore’s smile diminished. He glanced at Dr. DeMarco as if he expected him to speak up, but he didn’t say a word. “And the girl?” Salvatore asked, his gaze shifting to Haven. “I’m curious what your family intends to do with her. Given the situation, I gather you don’t plan to let her be sold.”

Carmine’s eyes narrowed. “Of course not.”

“Of course not,” Salvatore echoed. “And after you’re gone for college, your father won’t want to live here alone with her. Just think of the gossip. I’m sure the rumors are already aplenty.”

Dr. DeMarco cleared his throat. “I’ve been weaning her to the world, so she can join it.”

“That’s noble of you, Vincent, but I’m not sure that’s wise,” Salvatore said. “She must know quite a bit. How can we be sure anything she’s seen or heard won’t be disclosed to anyone?”

Dr. DeMarco glanced at her. “I’ll vouch for her.”

His words were met with a vicious laugh from Salvatore. “After what happened when . . . well, you know . . . I don’t think your opinion can be taken at face value on this.”

“It’s not the same,” Dr. DeMarco said.

“Yes, it is, Vincent. You know the dangers and risks. You can’t let her loose without someone taking responsibility for her, and you’re in no frame of mind to do it.”

It sickened Haven to have her fate being discussed as if she weren’t there, but equally as shocked that Dr. DeMarco intended to let her go. She couldn’t fathom why the man would go through the trouble of paying for her if he planned to let her walk away.

“Maybe she should come with me,” Salvatore said. “She’d be taken care of in my home.”

“No way,” Carmine said. “If you need someone to take responsibility for her, I will.”

Salvatore shook his head. “You can’t do that when you’re not a part of this. Besides, I’m not positive that’s the right course of action.”

They were at an impasse when another voice chimed in, quiet but forceful. “I’ll do it.”

Everyone’s attention turned to Corrado.

“What?” Salvatore asked.

“I’ll vouch for the girl,” he said again.

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