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“Your love has changed me. You’ve rewritten my future. Because of you, I know that my legacy will be whatever I chose. If people look at me and see a king, it’s because I’m standing next to a queen.” His firm, full lips purse around the last word.

“You are my reason,” he says with a fierce conviction that feels like wind beneath my wings. His eyes soften and his shoulders relax. “The baby that’s growing inside of you is just the first of many masterpieces we’ll make together. You are my river. You’ve been the making of me. And I hope that one day I’ll feel like I’ve earned the gift of your love. It’s my privilege and honor to be your husband. I love you so much. More than I’ll ever be capable of expressing. Now, lay back and get ready for me. I’m walking in now.”

The door opens and the screen goes blank at the same time. Hayes walks into the room. His bow tie is gone, his shirt unbuttoned completely, and his lightly-haired chest and smooth tanned skin of his muscle carved torso peek out between the gap in the stark white fabric.

“Hey, wife.” His eyes are alight with a heat that singe every part of me it lands on. His eyes drag up my body and he pulls his shirt off completely. The flex of the muscles in his powerful shoulders and arms distracted me. When I look back at his face, he’s standing right in front of me

“Hey, husband,” I mimic him. I sit up on my knees so I can slip my arms around his neck. His warm hands slide along the swell of my abdomen before the slip behind my waist. He pulls me into his chest and presses his forehead to mine. He closes his eyes and hums low in his throat.

“That was so beautiful,” I whisper against his lips and his eyes open and his gaze tangles with mine.

“You like it?” he asks with a satisfied smile.

I nod my answer when I find that my throat won’t release my answer.

“Good,” he says gruffly and squeezes me close. He buries his face in my neck and nuzzles it with his lips. I tighten my hold on his neck and think I might die from the intensity of the love that I feel for him. And what a way to go. I kiss the side of his face.

“I’ll watch it again. Forever. And not just when you’ve managed to piss me off.” I peck his mouth with a quick kiss to stop him from interrupting me. “I love it. And I love you. I’m the lucky one. I’m the one whose future has been rewritten. I hope you never regret letting me stand next to you. I hope you’re always proud of me.”

“Until my last breath,” he whispers before he kisses me.


And what a kiss it is.

His lips are impatient, his tongue insistent, and I open for him. Warmth rushes through me when his tongue sweeps my mouth and I press into him as tightly as my protruding belly will let me.

Getting married at seven months pregnant wasn’t ideal. But, between Gigi’s physical recovery, the fallout from Remi realizing who she was, and the time it took for Hayes to be able to forgive her fully, this was the soonest we could have done it. Remi wasn’t at our wedding. Hayes hadn’t been able to hide his disappointment at the empty spot beside him at the altar.

His other brothers had been there, and we’d celebrated despite Remi’s absence. Hayes didn’t want to take a chance that the baby would be born before we could be married, and I wanted to have a wedding. With the church and the dress and the party afterward. So, I’d walked down the aisle of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas with my protruding belly proudly declaring that I had no business in my white dress.

Hayes’s mouth ravishes mine, our lips dance and part. Cling and nibble. We get lost in the current of love, triumph and togetherness that has become the river of our life.
