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“It’s got that Beyoncé circa 2014 magic,” she says with authority and we clink our glasses together.

“And you have not hit rock bottom, TB,” she says reproachfully.

“No, I have. Really,” I assure her with a falsely proud smile. “But, I have a plan. And being back home will light a fire under me. Not to mention taking this trip has brought me perilously close to poverty. It’s time to give up my apartment, go home, and regroup.”

She pats my arm consolingly. “Well, if all of that fails, you could turn your new hobby into a business,” she says.

“Yes!” I clap my hands and hoot with laugher. “Like I could be some sort of plus one for hire.”

“You’ve had enough practice in the last few months,” she ribs me.

“I know,” I crow with delight. “Weddings are such a score. I mean, I have classy-as-fuck friends, so the venues are always marvelous, and I get it at the block rate.” I laugh out loud and stop when I see Cass isn’t laughing with me.

“What?” I ask and blush.

“I’m glad you’re letting that crazy dark hair go. Your hair is the prettiest natural blonde I’ve ever seen. I’ve missed the fits of jealousy I used to have every time you wore it down.”

“I do look good, don’t I? A life of leisure is apparently the real fountain of youth.” I wink. “But tell me why you’re looking at me like my mom did the first time I managed to bait a hook myself,” I tease, but I’m blushing at the unfiltered pride in her eyes.

“It’s just that I’m glad that you’re doing what makes you happy. It is slightly reckless to blow through your savings this way. But, I also know that you’re a brilliant, passionate attorney, and the minute you’re ready, you’ll have a score of job offers. I’m thrilled you’re being a sexy, lazy, beach bum for once in your life. You’ve earned it, ” Cass says with the

most sincerely delighted smile on her face. I smile back at her with equal delight.

This is why she’s my best friend. She loves me as much as I love her. And when I’m happy, she is too. My heart swells with gratitude that I have her in my life.

I look back at my dream man. He’s sitting with his arms crossed watching the dancing people like he’d rather be anywhere else. His heavy, square chin has a cleft.

I want to stick my tongue in it. I regain my resolve.

“I’m about to add slutty to that sexy and lazy,” I say and give her a bawdy wink. Then, I stand up again before I lose my nerve. I’m about to turn and walk his way when I remember something and lean down to talk to Cass.

“The guy behind the bar—his name tag said Luca—he’s a dead ringer for Jude Law, and I saw him checking out your ass when we walked through earlier,” I say.

She leaps out of her seat. “I can’t believe you saw him and didn’t tell me.” She scowls and starts to gather her phone and the lipstick and gum that spilled out of her tiny gold clutch.

“How was I to know what you were in the mood for? And if I told you every time a guy checked you out, we’d be here all night.”

“You sweet talker.” She swats my arm and presses a quick kiss to my cheek. “Be safe, have fun. And remind me to stick an extra-long pin in my Nigel voodoo doll when we get home.”

“I love you,” I say through a giggle.

She really has a Nigel voodoo doll at home. It’s a pathetic little stick figure made of popsicle sticks. All of its limbs are broken.

“How could you not?” She wiggles her fingers goodbye and disappears into the crowd. I run my fingers through my heavy hair. Thank you for low humidity and great hair products. There’s not a hint of frizz in sight, and there hasn’t been since I got here. I take all of this as an omen. Beautiful setting, great company, best hair day of my life—the stars have aligned. Of course, the man of my sexual dreams would be here, too.

With that thought, I take a deep breath and turn to face my future conquest.

I hope that tonight, though, I’ll be the one who’s conquered. I’m five foot three. Tall, well-built men are my weakness.

The strapping, dark-haired, Duke of Midnight across the room looks like he might be up for the job. I say a quick prayer that I didn’t misread things in the elevator this morning and that I’m not about to make a fool of myself and start toward him. As I weave my way across the moderately populated dance floor, I lose sight of him once or twice. But when I step off the other side off the dance floor, my view of him is completely unobstructed. When his eyes swing in my direction, they land on me right away. His eyes sweep up my body, his head’s angle marking their current position. My feet, my legs, my hips, stomach, my breasts, and on my face.

I feel a shot of confidence that propels me forward. I’ve never done anything like this before. But when I saw him this afternoon, I thought, mine.

Despite my little blip of doubt, I’m excited about the possibility of having a night with him. That’s all I really want.

Since we’ve been in Castigniocello, I’ve felt different—freer, happier. It’s the most beautiful place my admittedly limited travels have ever taken me. The sea’s perpetual whispers and roars lend an air of magic to the cove of neighboring villas we’re staying at this weekend. As soon as we stepped off the dreary shuttle that brought us the forty miles from the airport in Pisa, I knew this would be a trip I’d never forget. Until now, I thought it would be because of the spectacular views, the clean, fragrant air, and being with Cass. Yet, as I approach Mr. Tall Dark and Glorious, I know that this is going to be the experience that defines this trip. Lord knows, I was in desperate need of something glorious and unforgettable right now.

When I’m two tables away, his eyes come into focus. Like my mama would say, Lawd ha’mercy. While I’d been gawking at his body, the shadows in the hallway had been hiding the real treasure. They’re a heart stopping disc of pure hazel ringed in what could be a mossy green or nutty brown … the light doesn’t allow me to see clearly. They’re fringed by a thick tangle of lashes and burning with intelligence and ... wariness.
