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“No. They’re all in there. Ms. Swanson and Ms. Gauthier are in the room next door. I asked them to wait there for you, because I wanted to talk to you before we go in,” I say.

Remi cocks an eyebrow at me and says, “You’re talking really fast. And can your talk wait until after the meeting? “

“No. It can’t,” I say and then take a deep, calming breath.

“You okay?” Remi’s hand rests on my shoulder and frowns down at me.

“I wanted to tell you … I don’t know how to …” I say and cover my mouth when I realize my tongue is tied. I’ve been practicing what I’d say since the minute my alarm went off last night, but now the words are trapped by fatigue, humiliation, and anger.

“This case. I can’t be part of it. The defendant, Kingdom. My boyfriend—” I shake my head in annoyance at myself. “It’s … my ex-boyfriend,” I force myself to say.

“What is your ex-boyfriend?” Remi asks and looks down at my strangely.

“No, it’s who. It’s Hayes Rivers. I see he’s going to be here today. Your client won’t want that kind of conflict in their attorney. I can’t … and I understand if that means there’s no position here for me. But I just—”

“I know about you and Hayes. Of course I do. It was one of the first things personnel told me when we started checking your conflicts,” he says.

I didn’t expect him to say this. I’ve been bracing for him to rescind his offer. I spent the evening practicing my reaction and crying so that I would be all cried out when it actually happened.

The rush of relief makes me slightly nauseous. I swallow down and make sure I understand.

“So, you want me on that case? Hayes and I—”

“I don’t care about you and Hayes,” he cuts me off sharply. Like he really doesn’t want to hear another word. “I appreciate you telling me. But the clients deserve your expertise, and I don’t think you would risk your law license by acting in any manner less than the best interest of your clients.” He repeats his response firmly.

I feel stupid saying it again, but I just don’t want him to be surprised when Hayes flips out because I’m working for him.

“Thank you for your faith in me,” I say sincerely. He’s a legend. A known taskmaster who doesn’t accept anything but the very best from his associates, and exactly the kind of attorney I want to learn from. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know it. I’ve followed your career. I know you had a misstep.” I smile despite the churning in my stomach. But it’s how I always feel when this gets brought up. However, it’s probably best to get this conversation out of our systems before I start work. A flare of pure, white-hot fucking hate burns my chest when I think about how Nigel’s cowardly, selfish actions will follow me for the rest of my career.

“I promise that it’s not what it seems,” I start. Each word is like acid on my tongue.

“You don’t need to explain. I know when something stinks. I know Lancaster, and now that I’ve met you, I know you wouldn’t throw your career away over some bullshit like that little whelp his daughter married,” he says and cuts off my speech of shame.

“Now, come, and let’s go get our client and go in. I don’t know where Barry is, but we’ll get introductions done without him. And just observe today. Unless you feel something material is omitted, let’s keep your contribution to a minimum. I’ll be honest and tell you that Barry isn’t thrilled I hired you. And he’s going to come for you and try to show me and you that you’re in over your head. This is my firm, but the Houston office is his. So, I won’t rescue you. Just don’t let him intimidate you,” he says. Then he reaches around me, unlocks the door and pushes it open. “After you, Counselor.”

* * *

A woman, with the most luscious head of thick white hair I’ve ever seen in my life and is seated at the table with her laptop and finishes typing something before she looks up. Her face is breathtaking. High forehead, high cheekbones, almond-shaped, dark brown eyes framed by dark, swooping brows that are keen and intense. And her skin, the color of cinnamon, is completely unlined and belies the age her hair and expression attributes.

“Amelia Patel,” she says in a light, pretty voice that makes me think she must have a beautiful singing voice. “Counsel for the defendant, partner at Harvey Brooks,” she adds. I know who she is. She’s the preeminent authority of mass torts, and I was less than generous when I wrote about her a few years ago. She smiles expectantly when I don’t respond right away.

She has no idea who I am, but the minute I say my name, she will.

“I’m Confidence Ryan,” I say. Her smile disappears and she drops my hand as if she’s realized she’s petting a snake and turns to face Remi without saying another word.

I glance at him, and he gives me a wide-eyed what was that about? before he turns to address her.

“Confidence is our new Of Counsel. Ms. Ryan is just observing today. We just hired her yesterday and we’re still in the on-boarding process, but all her conflicts cleared yesterday, so I wanted to bring her in on this conversation, since she wrote the jurisprudence on it,” he says. I swell with pride.

I smile awkwardly because after his introduction, there’s really not much for me to say.

“That’s very impressive,” Hayes says and swivels around in the chair with the abnormally high back that’s been turned to face the window.

A rush of gooseflesh runs over my body and a cold dread blooms in my stomach. I bite back my gasp and smile, even though the effort makes my face ache. I knew he was going to be here, but it’s still hard to feel comfortable given everything that’s going on between us.

“Ah, I didn’t see you, kid,” Remi says good-naturedly and walks over to Hayes, who stands up. His eyes cut to mine and his expression is completely unreadable.
