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“Yeah?” Barry responds as if it’s an imposition to do so.

“How long have you worked here?” Remi asks.

“Five years.”

Remi actually looks surprised. “Already? Damn, time flies,” he says.

“Yes, and I care about Wilde Law. I’m not going to stand by and watch the firm undermined by what amounts to some sort of affirmative action hire. I know we wanted more women at the table, but let’s hire them for the size of their brains, not their breasts.” He shoots a venomous glance at Confidence and a rush of anger pushes me to my feet.

Both Confidence and Remi say my name at the same time.

I look to find them both watching me. Confidence with a wary alertness, Remi with anger I know isn’t directed at me.

“Then, one of you better do something about it,” I say and sit down.

“Barry, we’ll be sure to give you an excellent reference. You’re fired. Effective today,” Remi says.

Barry’s jaw drops, but he doesn’t make a sound.

No one does.

The room had been quiet before, but now, you could hear a pin drop.

Remi turns to look at the blonde. “Mila, can you take him down with you? I’m adjourning the meeting. We’ll regroup later.”

“Wait, you’re fucking firing me? For what?” Barry sputters, regaining his composure.

“For violating conduct clauses in your contract,” Remi says simply. His eyes hold the same steel as his voice.

Barry’s face crumbles. “I just bought a fucking Porsche and a put a deposit down for a pool,” he says.

“Nice priorities,” I say under my breath, and Remi shoots me a glare. I shrug unapologetically.

“I don’t deserve to be fired!” he shouts, his eyes wide. He looks around the table for support, but everyone, except for Mila and me has their face conveniently buried in a phone or iPad.

“You’ll get a month’s severance for every year you’ve worked here. With all of your experience and seniority, you’ll have a job in no time. Mila will make every resource we have available to you in pursuit of that. But you can’t work here any longer. It’s just that simple. I’m sure you understand.”

He lifts his head slowly and looks between the two of us wordlessly. His expression, completely blank.

“Barry? Are you okay?” Confidence asks. Her expression goes from concern to worry as she takes in the slack look on his face. Her voice triggers something in him because all of the sudden, his jaw tightens and his eyes focus their burning anger on her.

“Think you’re so clever, don’t you? Think you’re going to win a fucking prize or something for your stupid case? I can’t wait to see you fall flat on your face,” he says with a voice so cold and vicious that Confidence flinches and takes a step back. It takes every ounce of restraint I possess not to walk over and throw him out of the window.

“Barry, please stop making threats,” Mila says, sounding mildly bored. “I’d hate for you to leave with a police escort instead of on your own. But you better believe I’ve got my finger on security’s number.” She stands, folds her hands over her chest, and watches him impassively.

“Oh, I’m leaving. I wouldn’t give you two feminazis the satisfaction of seeing me really lose my cool,” he sneers.

“And you keep your shitty severance. I’m calling a lawyer. I’m going to take you to the cleaners, Remi,” he spits as he starts walking.

When he slams the door behind him, the windows of the conference room rattle from the force.

“What an idiot,” Mila says and walks over to where Confidence slumps over in her chair. I start toward her. She looks at me and shakes her head, no. Her blue eyes are glassy but unwavering.

“Are you okay?” Mila asks, peering down at her in concern.

“I’m fine,” Confidence says and swallows hard. “Violent men and I don’t mix,” she says with a nervous laugh. But I see the tremble in her hand when she pushes an errant curl behind her ear.

I want to kill that man for putting that there. I hate that I can’t walk over, put an arm around her. I hate this distance. I’m done letting it grow between us. It’s time to bring my woman home.
