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Shock renders me paralyzed. I think if she whistled, the air she pushed out would knock me over.

“What?” I ask, offended, incredulous and for some reason, a little afraid.

“I could go up to three million. And I will. If you’ll take it,” she says.

Her expression is completely neutral. I can’t believe she can be so calm after what she just said.

“Are you kidding me? Why would you even …?”

“Name your price,” she says.

My heart slows to a hard, slow thud.


“I’ll give it to you. If you’ll take it,” she says slowly, like there’s something she’s trying to tell me without saying it directly. But my blood is boiling and I don’t have the time or inclination for her games.

“I most certainly will not,” I say and grab my phone from the table and reach to pick up my purse.

She puts a hand over mine to steady it.

“I’m sorry if that offended you. But it’s not personal,” she says.

“As if it could be anything but personal,” I say without a thought for who I’m talking to.

“Confidence, Hayes is all that’s left of my family. He’s also, underneath that shell he wears, desperate for a place where he feels like he belongs. I will use my money, I will lie, I will offend, and I will do whatever to help him find it. After what he’s gone through with that ex-wife—” she says unapologetically.

I lose my cool.

“I bet you never offered her money to leave him alone, did you? Why? Because she wasn’t a nobody from nowhere, right?” I say angrily. I throw my napkin onto the table and lean in so that I can lower my voice. I am not going to let her bullshit ruin this lunch for Hayes. I glance over my shoulder and see him pacing in front of the restaurant, deep in conversation. I turn back to his aunt.

“That woman is criminally idiotic. I can assure you that I am not. Money is nice. But I don’t want more of it than I need,” I tell her.

“Yeah, right,” she says dismissively.

“I know it’s hard to imagine people not worshiping the same money god as you do,” I say.

“How dare you?” she asks.

“How dare you?” I shoot right back. “You could have just asked me how I feel about him.” I’m angry and surprised by the sting of tears in the back of my eyes.

“Oh, I don’t need to ask to know it’s obvious. But in my experience, love isn’t ever enough, so I want to know what else you want from Hayes.”

“I don’t have to prove myself to you,” I say indignantly.

“You’re right,” she says crisply, her eyes narrowing on me. “But, let me tell you, If any of the things you think he’s good for are comfort or financial security, then that will prove itself, too. I’m just trying to save us all a little time and a lot of heartbreak,” she says coolly.

I don’t know whether to storm off or hug her. “Gigi.” Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the gentle deference in my voice.

“May I call you that?” I ask.

“Of course, you may,” she says archly.

I nod and smile politely. Then, I take off the gloves.

“You’ve known him his whole life and you’re still putting a price tag on him. And I’ve only known him for four months, and I already know he’s priceless,” I snarl.

“How dare you?” she gasps.
