Page 152 of The Alexandra Series

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“Really?” There was a look of concern on her face.

“Would like to go to coffee?” Jocelyn suddenly asked. It was a spur of the moment idea, but it seemed absolutely perfect for the situation.

“Now? Sure. I have about an hour before I’ve got to get home.”

The two women completed their purchases in the market, and walked down the street together to a small street-side cafe.

“Let’s go inside,” Jocelyn suggested. “It’s quieter.”

Alex followed the woman to the back of the restaurant where they found a table in one corner. They ordered lattes from a smiling faced teenage girl.

“If you don’t mind my observation,” Alex said, as she admired Jocelyn and her beautiful mass of auburn curls, “You look unsettled. Not that I know you very well, but I picture you being very self-assured.”

The waitress returned with their cappuccino, and the two women waited for her to leave before continuing.

“I am unsettled,” Jocelyn taking a sip of her latte. “And I’m not used to this kind of thing paralyzing me. I hate it. I don’t do it in business and usually never in my personal life. But…”

“But Reggie is a different sort of man,” Alex said, getting straight to the point.

Jocelyn didn’t have to answer, the two women were on a common wave length. “You know him well, don’t you?”

“I know of him. But know him? I don’t know if anyone could. Maybe you.”

“You’re giving me too much credit.” Jocelyn smiled.

They drank their coffee in the comfortable quiet, the kind of quiet where women get to know each other, sense their feelings for someone they hardly know and make conclusions on a potential friendship.

“Do you mind my asking you some personal questions?” Jocelyn finally ventured.

“About my relationship with Reggie?”

“I realize it’s a little forward, but then Reggie told me to.”

“What do you want to know?”

“I know a lot about his dominant sexual inclinations. I know some of what he’s done in the past, but it’s all a little vague.

Reggie says he trained you? I asked him what that meant, he told me to ask you.”

“Now isn’t that a typical Reggie response.” Alex laughed.

“Is this too personal?”

“Not really, I don’t think you’ll go blabbing this everywhere.”

“Oh, no, please, I just want to understand him.”

“I can’t tell you what ‘training’ means for every submissive. In fact, I don’t really think he ‘trained’ me in the official sense, if there is an official sense. He did help Will and me through a very tough time. For many years, I was haunted by sexual fantasies, wild, crude, nasty fantasies. I didn’t know what to do with them. When Will came along, I thought I’d found my knight in shining armor, he was so perfect. For a while the fantasies died away and good sex with him was all I needed. But then, like some caged beast, the fantasies came roaring back and threatened to ruin our relationship. That was when Will suggested that I see Reg.”

“You lived with him, I gather?”

“For several months. Not too many people have friends like Reggie. I guess we can be glad that Will had one. I don’t know much about his relationships with other women, though Will told me that he took certain women and helped them live out their darkest desires. That’s what he would do for me.”

Jocelyn watched Alex’s eyes, how they glazed over with an obscure appearance, as she slipped away from the restaurant and Jocelyn and back into memory.

“I was young and naive and very scared. But my desire was unstoppable. Reggie spun a web of control around me that took me into this very odd sexual world. You notice his eyes and his chiseled face, the cold reserve, that incredible aloof persona. I thought I’d fallen into heaven. A wild carnal heaven. I’d do anything he said, just to have him talk to me, and command me, demand things of me that I’d never done, indecent and absurd things. It really didn’t matter. I did it all as his submissive.”

Jocelyn followed her new friend into her peculiar place, trying to look with her eyes into what Alex had experienced.

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