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The two detectives made their way beyond Martha into the study. Zelda had taken a seat by the window and was looking out on the garden. Martha b

acked off, intimidated by the Leslie’s remarks.

“We know that Remy was hospitalized at Brightwood Psychiatric Hospital for a violent incident with a former lover. Her condition was described as extremely confused and volatile.”

“Are you suggesting that Remy killed Felicia?”

“We’re suggesting with a violent history, that the possibility is not unlikely.”

“Remy’s problems were years ago,” Martha reminded them. “And except for the use of the knife, I don’t really see how the two crimes compare.”

“Regardless, I think the police will be interested in this information.”

“And I think you’re complicating something that’s already been resolved,” Martha charged, regaining some of her composure and her protective attitude.

“That’s possible, but you’ve been less than candid with us. Perhaps you can explain that.”

“Well, doesn’t it stand to reason?” Zelda suddenly interjected, “Remy would obviously be a suspect if the police knew about her history. Why would we want to offer that information?”

“So, the two of you have been making up stories to keep Remy from suspicion?”

“That’s about what it adds up to,” Zelda replied flatly.

Martha looked annoyed by the redhead’s interference. “I think it’s more a situation of not placing undue stress on Remy. She is still a delicate woman. I know that she didn’t murder Felicia, so why put her through hell, she’s had enough in her life.”

“Do you really know she didn’t commit the murder?” Leslie asked. “Or are you just hoping that she didn’t?”

“I beg your pardon, Remy did not kill Felicia!” Martha snapped.

“Because you know who did?” Robin refused to let up.

“I think that Betsy is the murderer, I’ve thought so from the beginning. The only possible other suspect could be Jane.”

“We’ve though that too,” Robin said kindly. “But I’m not so certain she’s much of a suspect.”“Well, you can’t go telling the police your half cocked story. I mean look at the murder scene, so precise, so perfectly executed. Do you think for a minute that Remy would have been that careful with the details. You’re right, she’s not a completely well woman, but she doesn’t have the temperament for the crime.”

“You speak very passionately for her innocence,” Leslie said. “I admire your loyalty, but that explanation doesn’t completely add up.”

“What do you mean?” Martha said suspiciously.

“Remy is a chemist, is that right?”


“There are not too many fields that require more precision than chemistry. I’d say that our innocent, shy, confused woman has a side to her personality that is very sharp and meticulous. The precision of the bondage and the wound does not necessarily rule out your lover.”

“But I can rule out my lover, she was in bed with me,” Martha was practically shouting.

Zelda moved off the sofa and put her arm around the woman. “I think we’ve all been stretched to the limit, ladies, any further conversation about this is not going to get us anywhere. Do what you have to do with your information, but please leave us alone. We’ve said all we’re going to say.” She leveled the two with a penetrating stare. As far as she was concerned, the conversation was over.

“Sorry to have bothered you,” Robin nodded, as she followed Leslie to the door.

“Boy, they are quite a pair,” Leslie said, as Robin joined her on the front porch and they walked briskly toward the garden on their way to Jane’s cottage.

“One protecting the other, protecting another, I agree.”

“A little strange, don’t you think, those two together. It looked pretty sexual to me, when Martha opened the door.”

“I wonder what that means.” Robin pondered.

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