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She eased the blade back. “That’s better. So here it is. I want to know how and where Margetta is going to attack, especially if she’s got some kind of spell going on. And since you’ve said she’s already inside the colony, I want the exact location.” Just for emphasis, she cut him just off to the side of his vein.”

He yelped once more and sweat poured down his face.

“She’s at the northernmost end of the colony. She gave a new charm to one of my men and he was able to break through while you were held in stasis.”

Willow narrowed her eyes. “I just have one question. Why did she even need your help? She’s got so much power all on her own.”

“Because she’s a wraith, that’s why. Something about the colony wouldn’t let her act directly against your shield. I don’t understand it myself. Wraiths aren’t anxious to hurt their own kind though they love enslaving others. A real paradox, don’t you think?”

Willow didn’t think she could despise anyone as much as she did Axton.

Turning to Malik, she nodded to him.

~ ~ ~

Malik barked his first order. “We head to the colony entrance now.”

He held out his arm for Willow, but she stunned him by shaking her head. “There might be a better way.”

“I need to get my men in there.”

He felt wild with desperation, but Willow put a hand on his arm. “I’ve come to a couple of decisions, and we need to tend to each of them first.”

He glanced at Alexandra who was frowning at him, her brows forming the usual porcupine quills again. She shook her head and he watched her shape the words, ‘stupid man’, on her lips.

He put a hand to his head. “Sweet Goddess, I’m an idiot.”

Alexandra nodded, but smiled as she said, “You’re learning.”

He settled his warrior bristles and stepped back just enough to better encompass all five fae. To Willow, he said, “What’s the first decision?”

“I’m removing the protective shield. That way your men can get in right now and go to work.”

“I didn’t even think about the shield.” He glanced at Alexandra. “What’s your take on this?”

“That Willow is in charge of the colony as well as the shield, and I trust her judgment.”

Malik nodded, trying to get used to being part of a larger realm team. He turned to Willow. “But you said a couple of decisions?”

She nodded, then smiled, a blush suffusing her cheeks. “You and I need to bond, right now. I know it in my gut. Besides, I’m in love with you and have been for a gremlin’s age.”

As a profession of love, Malik wasn’t sure he’d heard anything better in his life. He moved into her and even with Axton still struggling in the vines, he took her in his arms. “But, Willow, what about my part in your father’s death?”

Tears filled her eyes. “I know you, Malik. I’ve always believed in you. You’re forgiven, do you hear me? Forgiven.”

Something like breaking glass shattered inside his chest, his heart, his soul. He’d been held prisoner by his work, by his guilt over all the half-breed deaths, by being so alone. Now here was Willow, this enormous miracle in his life, forgiving him for the unforgivable.”

He kissed her. “I love you, Willow. I’m so sorry for holding back and for leaving you the way I did. It was incredibly foolish.”

She caressed his cheek. “But I let you go even though I knew I was vulnerable.”

“All right you two,” Alexandra chimed in. “You have time for this later. We’ve got wraiths to save. Get the bond done and let’s get moving.”

Malik nodded briskly. “You’re right.”

He held Willow’s gaze. “I give my heart to you and my will. I accept this bond with every ounce of my being.”

Willow’s smile softened. “And I bond with you, Malik of Ashleaf Realm.”

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