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Vaughn didn’t answer him.

“On your feet.” Dagen spoke sharply, his voice echoing through the small space.

Vaughn rose up, but struggled to get his weight over his knees. His head ached from the concussion and his ribs were killing him. Though he could eventually fix himself up with his vampire healing, it would take hours. Right now, however, he had only minutes.

When he finally stood upright, five warlocks surrounded him. Dagen, the only shifter present, stood directly in front of him. He no longer held his AR-15.

Dagen had small dark eyes and a vicious face, the latter no doubt hardened from his experience as an alter shifter in Savage Territory. He was a couple of inches shorter than either Vaughn or the powerful warlocks who surrounded him. But he had complete command of the situation.

“What do you want, Dagen?”

“I want you running for your life through the labyrinth, like all the other frightened rabbits I’ve chased over the years. If you’re clever, you might even find your way back to Emma. First, though, I intend to give myself a small advantage.”

Before Vaughn knew what Dagen meant to do, something metal hit Vaughn hard at the back of his knee. He heard the bone crunch and at the same time he fell, rolling to the side. He gripped his leg and gritted his teeth. But despite his attempts to hold it in, an anguished sound came out of his throat.

Through waves of pain, he watched Dagen and his force of five warlocks disappear down different paths, until he was alone. Because of his ribs, each breath was a struggle. Was he going to die like a wounded animal in Loghry’s maze?

Emma came to mind. Somehow, he had to get back to her, had to save her from Beth’s mania. But he had broken ribs, a shattered knee, and six men ready to do more damage no matter which route he took.

Worse, he had no idea where he was in relation to the central part of the labyrinth or how far away Beth’s cell might be. He had to try. He forced himself to stand up.

The moment he hobbled in the direction of the nearest path, however, one of the warlocks rushed him, punching him hard in the gut, afterward disappearing.

With the wind knocked out of him, Vaughn slumped to the dirt again, rolling once more onto his side to avoid landing on his shattered knee.

For one of the few times in his life, Vaughn had no idea what the fuck he should do. But it was clear that if he remained where he was, he’d be slowly beaten to death. Physical strength wouldn’t get him out of this situation and his healing ability sucked given the dire nature of his injuries.

But he had to figure this out. He had two women counting on him. If he stayed as he was, both he and Emma would die and Beth would remain Loghry’s slave for years to come.

He scooted himself backward to lean against the wall of the passageway. His leg was on fire and it was taking him time to catch his breath. Every draw on his lungs hurt.

His thoughts kept rolling toward Emma and his certainty that his sister was slowly draining her to death. But what good would it do for him to focus on Emma?

Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep his thoughts away from her. He’d dreaded this moment from the time he’d started caring about her because there was no way he could help her now. He was physically incapable of even getting to her.


He sat up a little straighter. Emma? You sound so faint.

I’m drifting away here. I just want you to know … that I love you … and I’m so sorry about Beth. No other words followed.

Emma? He tried contacting her several more times, but heard nothing in response.



So Dagen was right and Emma was being drained to death.

He was stuck in the labyrinth, his body broken, the woman he loved dying, and not a damn thing he could do about it. He felt as he had when he’d seen Beth abducted right in front of his house with no way to save her. This was the reason he’d avoided any kind of closeness, why he’d held back from Emma. He’d never wanted to feel this way again, the complete impotence of being unable to save someone he loved.

The triplets suddenly appeared, floating in the air in front of him. They swayed back and forth and a strange mournful sound filled the air.

He felt in his bones that Emma had sent the ghosts to him. But why? What could three spirits do to help in this situation?

Becca, can you talk to me?

Her eyes popped wide. Yes. Yes. Yes.
