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Brannick and Fergus moved in behind her, each silent. She could feel them both grow very still.

Let’s wait for a minute and see what happens, she said.

Smart move, Brannick responded.

A moment later, she heard a buzzer, the door opened and two human men in business suits were allowed through.

The slow movement of the door prompted Juliet to rush forward. She used her acquired vampire strength to hold it open for the team. Brannick flew through followed swiftly by Fergus and a still comatose Mary.

Juliet slipped through right after them and the door continued its progress as though nothing had happened.

There was only one guard in the lobby of the sex club. A receptionist sat on a tall stool behind a desk, waiting for the next client. They both looked bored.

When Brannick opened the door to the street, she saw the guard turn in their direction. So, she put on some speed and whisked through behind the rest of her group.

The guard stepped onto the front pathway, sidearm drawn. He looked around carefully, but seeing nothing, he went back inside.

The moment Juliet looked around at the street, she knew exactly where she was in relationship to the Fae Cathedral. The entrance to Roche’s sex club was near a fairly new gated community, though partitioned off by yet another set of gates to the south.

It was to Roche’s credit that he’d been able to keep the location secret all this time.

She contacted Keelen and told him where they were, and how they’d succeeded in getting Mary out the back way. She could feel the tension leave the officer.

Thank God you’re all right. Roche came out shouting about a minute ago that his lawyers were on the way and how we were illegally blocking the street and interfering with business traffic to the Fae Cathedral. So, what would you like us to do? Should we keep Roche rattled a little longer?

Juliet thought for a moment, then smiled. Tell him the call that sent you there turned out to be a prank. But if you want to see his pale skin fire up, just tell him I said hello.

She heard Keelen chuckle. It’ll be my pleasure. Take care of yourself, Juliet. And I’m glad Brannick made it.

Me, too, and thanks.

A moment later, she was airborne and heading north with Brannick. Fergus stuck close to remain hidden within Brannick’s vampire cloak, clearly not taking any chances. Mary would probably remain unconscious for several more hours.

A few minutes later, Juliet descended toward the canal side of her home. She’d long since released her shield and knew Brannick had already contacted the guards, letting them know four of them would be arriving shortly.

Fergus flew in first and by the time Juliet walked into her living room, he’d already settled Mary on the couch. She was still out cold.

He backed out swiftly, however, returning to the patio. Brannick went with him.

Juliet would call for medical support shortly, but first she wanted to thank Fergus for helping out before he took off.

Fergus had his arms crossed tight over his chest as he stared back into the house. He seemed distressed.

Juliet glanced at Brannick, lifting her brows in question.

He shook his head, not as though he didn’t know what was going on but rather that he understood exactly.

She decided to go ahead and express her thanks. “Fergus, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you were with us tonight.”

He angled his body more in her direction. “You shouldn’t thank me. I almost got us all killed.” He then stared at her for a hard moment. “You were unbelievable by the way. Roche would have started firing if you hadn’t acted as fast as you did. How did you know to fly at him like that?”

She thought for a moment, then glanced at Brannick. “I’ve gained some vampire skills lately.” She chuckled as she slid her gaze back to Fergus. “I also hate that man more than anything else on this earth. It seemed like such a natural thing to head straight for him and kick him in the face.”

Fergus frowned harder. “You’re sharing Brannick’s gifts, the way Emma shared Vaughn’s. Maybe you’ve got some of Brannick’s drive as well. But I apologize for putting us all in jeopardy.” He glanced past her to the living room once more, to Mary lying on the sofa. “I don’t know what the hell happened. Once I had her in my arms, my throat opened up.”

He looked away, his gaze movin

g sharply to Brannick’s. “I’m a danger to this mission so long as I’m near the woman. I’m heading back to Savage. Do you want me to send a replacement?”
