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The path of the river alters

When the storm comes.

Collected Proverbs – Beatrice of Fourth

Luken ate his steak in silence, laughing perfunctorily to Santiago’s jokes even though the brother had Rachel in tears she was laughing so hard.

Antony sat next to Luken and elbowed him softly. “You’re quiet.”

Luken looked at him, holding his gaze. “I’m screwed. We’ve got a new plan hatching and I’ll be heading to Third.”

“No shit?”

Luken nodded and sliced off another bite of steak that he simply couldn’t taste, not even a little. “A special ops team, the objective as yet undefined.”

“Well, I hope you won’t be working with Merl. That bastard bugs the shit out of me.” Endelle sat at the head of the table, her back to the window and Merl was on her right, still chatting her up.

“I’m out of luck on that front as well.”

“Aw, well, you’re fucked, then.”

“That’s okay. I think I’ll just kill him in his sleep and be done with it.”

Medichi laughed, a sound that eased Luken.

After the meal, when Medichi brought out coffee and baklava, Endelle let them in on her new directive. When she was finished, all eyes fell on Luken. He knew he needed to say something, but words wouldn’t come.

He’d be going to Third and he didn’t have a lot of confidence that he’d be coming back.

Zacharius summed it up. “I’m getting sick of all this change.”

A grumbling ran around the table.

Endelle then turned to Rachel. “You’ll be on the team as well, missy, since you’re Duncan’s shield.”

Luken just shook his head. He loved Endelle for many reasons, one of which was simple: Endelle was willing to die for Second Earth. But her people skills sucked. She was also the first to admit it, which was one more reason he loved her; the woman didn’t hesitate to admit her failings.

Rachel rose and stared down at the woman with the scorpion shoes that jangled even now. She held out her hand and the next moment a gardening claw, with three sharp prongs, appeared in her palm.

She held the tool up for Endelle’s inspection. “I’ll make you a deal; I’ll join the team the day you shove this up your ass. How’s that?”

The table fell silent except for an almost uniform intake of breath from every warrior present.

Rachel didn’t wait for a response, either, but moved into the adjacent foyer then out the front door.

Endelle, not surprising, followed after her, the metal scorpions on her stilettos making clipped, rhythmic noises in response to her quick stride.

Luken rose as well and asked everyone to let him handle this. He didn’t get a single protest.

The women stood out on the lawn facing each other. He heard Endelle shout, “Why, you fucking prima donna, sitting out the war because you don’t want to get your hands dirty. Well let me tell you something—”

Rachel had tears on her cheeks, her arms crossed over her stomach as she cut Endelle off. “I’m not serving on any goddam team. I’m going back to Mortal Earth to live my life. You can’t make me do this. I won’t do it.”

Luken felt Endelle winding up for a shout-down, so he put on some speed. He caught her elbow, turning her to face him. “Hey, let me handle this.”

Endelle was in a state, her face red, hair writhing. “You know I can’t stand anyone who won’t face up to their duty. I hate that above anything. So, let go of me. Rachel need

s to hear what I have to say.”
