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Jules can call it pussy whipped, I don’t care.

The truth is, I don’t want to spend one day without Luna in my life.

Chapter Thirty Four


“How long do we have?” Gavin asks, and I immediately feel guilty.

We’ve been keeping our relationship a secret for the last month and a half. After that first day at school, we’ve taken great pains to not be seen together there. I didn’t know it at the time, but when I got home that evening my parents gave me hell about making out with Gavin in the hallway. I don’t know if it’s one of the teachers or students that have made it their mission to make sure my parents know what I’m doing, but Gavin and I spend our days barely acknowledging each other and stealing time away whenever possible.

Tonight, I’m at Jules’ house.

My father had to go back out of town and my mother relented, letting me spend the night with Jules on the condition we didn’t leave her house. Technically, I’ve not. Gavin brought us take out and we ate in Jules room. Jules is out with Darren, so we’ve enjoyed the place to ourselves.

I look at the clock beside the bed and frown.

“Jules will probably be back in an hour or so,” I tell him.

“Hey, don’t sound so sad. An hour is an hour. This is the best night I can remember having in forever.”

“I know. I just hate that we have to hide being together.”

“Yeah,” he says, lifting my hand off his chest and holding it so it is flat against his. Then, he stretches his hand flat against mine, palm against palm, fingers against fingers, before slowly threading them together, bringing my hand to his lips. “Someday soon, we’ll leave Stone Lake behind, Luna. We’ll start over just you and me.”

“You sound so sure of yourself.”

“I am. Together, there’s nothing we can’t conquer. We’ll have each other, that’s all we will need.”

“Where will we live?”

“Anywhere we want. Somewhere warm and sunny.”

“I do like the sound of that. And by the water.”

“Yeah, definitely close to the water,” he says his blue eyes crinkling at the corners.

“Are you going to school?”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” he murmurs.


“I think I want to be a cop, Luna.”

“A cop?” I ask, surprised.

“Yeah. When I had my court hearing? I got to sit back and watch a few cases and watched these detectives testify. It was interesting and it felt like…”

“Like what?”

“Like they were making a difference. I’d like that. I’d like to know what I was doing was making a difference. That sounds stupid I guess.”

“I don’t think it sounds stupid at all.”

“You don’t?”

“Nope. I don’t at all. I think you’d make a great detective.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d ever get the training and experience to be a detective, but—”

“Bull hockey. You could be a detective or even an FBI agent like on television.”

“FBI?” he laughs.

“Definitely. You can do anything you want to do, Gavin Lodge.”

“You have that much faith in me?”

I roll so I’m lying on top of him and we’re gazing at each other. I let my fingers sift through his dark wavy hair.

“I have complete faith in you, Gavin. I think you would rock being an agent.” I grin down at him, biting on my lip, then change my voice as if I was an announcer. “FBI Agent Gavin Lodge.”

I think I see him blush a little, and he shakes his head a little looking up at the ceiling.

“You’re crazy.”

“I can see it now. I’ll go out to the grocery store and all the women will be whispering.”

“They will, huh?”

“Oh, that’s the wife of FBI Agent Gavin Lodge. He just brought down an entire terrorist cell all by himself.”

“I’m not sure I’d want to deal with terrorist cells,” he laughs.

“Well, whatever,” I mock.

“I do like one part of that sentence though.”

“What was that?” I whisper, loving how his eyes go darker and his voice gets a gravely texture to it when he talks lows. It sends chills of awareness over my body. My gaze immediately zeros in on his lips, and I watch them move as he talks. He really is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life.

“The wife part.”

“Oh… I uh… I didn’t mean that you had to—”

“I like it, Luna.”

“You do?” I ask, having trouble breathing.

“Fuck yeah, I do.”

“Okay then.” I grin, smiling so big that it’s almost painful.

“It may be bumpy to begin with, Luna. But you need to know that I don’t care if we have to live in my truck at first, whatever I need to do, I will do to give you the world.”

“Live in your truck?” I ask, wondering how that would work. Not that I mind, if that was what we would have to do to be together, then we’d do it.
