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“No,” Jules says. “Which is exactly why my parents aren’t worried and why Luna needs to knock it off. She’s starting to freak me out,” she adds, slamming the door to her locker.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t believe your parents are leaving you this weekend.”

“They go out of town every weekend, you know that, Luna.”

“I know, but after you told them about the notes and the rose….”

“Maybe we could come stay with you this weekend,” I suggest. I’m not sure Luna has a right to be this worried, but I have to admit, it is kind of freaky.

“You just want an excuse to come shag at my house,” Jules says rolling her eyes.

“He does not, but it wouldn’t work anyway,” Luna sighs out.

“Why not?” I ask, frowning.

“I’m on house lockdown until further notice.”


“Yeah, until Dad can determine that we are no longer seeing each other, I’m not allowed to leave the house. I went out to get the mail from the mailbox yesterday and I thought he was going to stroke out about it.”

“We’re not breaking up, Luna.”

She looks up at me, sadness on her face, her hand moving to rest against the side of my neck.

“I know. They’ll give this up eventually. They’ll have to.”

“What if they don’t?”

“I’ll be eighteen soon and it won’t matter.”

“You won’t be eighteen until May, Luna. That’s like three months away—almost four. I missed your last birthday because we weren’t talking. I’m not going to miss this one—parents or no parents,” I warn her.

“You won’t miss it.”

“How do you know?”

“My birthday falls right before prom this year,” she says with a grin. “And I’m not missing my senior prom. I’m going with my boyfriend. My parents aren’t going to ruin it for me.”


“And neither are you,” she mumbles, giving me a fake scowl.

“You’re really going to make me go to that shit?”

“Yep, tux and all. So, you better start saving up that money you’re making from the extra hours your boss has been giving you.”


“Pussy whipped,” Jules singsongs.

“Sounds like it,” Atticus says dryly, and I tense as he joins us. “Down big brother, things are cool,” he says taking in my face. My eyebrow goes up in disbelief and he shrugs. “Luna’s made it clear we’re just friends, and I’m good with that. I’m seeing someone else now and I like her.”

“Who are you seeing?” Jules asks him, her eyes narrowing.

“None of your business,” Atticus laughs and for some reason he seems to be taking a lot of pleasure in his announcement. The asshole probably isn’t even seeing anyone and is trying to get Luna’s attention.

“That’s so great, Attie. I hope you’ve found someone that treats you like you deserve.”

God, there’s so much I could say to that.

“I’m happy,” Atticus affirms, and something seems different about him. He’s almost calm. Hell, maybe he has found someone. I don’t care, but if it makes living with him easier, I’m all for it.

“Great, everyone is happy,” Jules mumbles. “I’m out of here.”


“Give it a rest, Luna. I’m fine. I’m going out with Darren again tonight. He’ll keep me safe from any knife wielding psychos.”

Jules takes off after that and Atticus lifts his shoulders to show his indifference.

“I guess I’m out of here too. Later, Luna. Gavin… let’s hope I don’t see you again today.”

“Finally, something we agree on,” I mumble and the bastard laughs. Something has definitely changed.

“Bye, Attie!” Luna calls.

“Well, that was different.”

“Atticus will get better, wait and see. He just needed time to get used to you and me as a couple.”

I don’t point out that my issues with my brother started long before I spoke one word to her. I don’t want to waste more time talking about him. It’s not important. There are other things on my mind.

“Are we a couple?”

“Of course we are. Why would you ask that? Do you want to break up with me, Gavin?”

I study Luna’s face and I see the distress there. I sigh.

I kiss her lips quickly, just a touch, not giving in and tasting her again—as much as I want to.

“No. But you said your parents…”

“So, we’ll work around them. I’m not giving you up, Gavin.”

“We can’t hide our relationship forever, Luna.”

“They’ll accept us eventually, Gavin.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then, it won’t matter. I’ll have graduated high school and we’ll start our lives together.”

“You’d be willing to leave Stone Lake with me?” I ask her, my voice intense and hope causing my heart to beat faster.

She looks at me and for a minute I see something flash in her eyes. I don’t know how to read it, but it’s gone as quickly as it appeared.

“I’d be willing to go anywhere with you, Gavin. I love you.”

It feels like I’m breathing easy for the first time in my life. I kiss her then, pouring everything she makes me feel into the action.
