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“He will after I tell him what we’ve learned. In the meantime, you can help by continuing to be impressed with my charm and immense wealth.”

Elle’s face lit up. Her eyes caught the glow from the flickering fire. “We’re really going to send that bastard to prison.”

“If we’re lucky.” The smile on her face stabbed him right in the heart.

“I’m very glad you’re here.” She extended her arm and reached for him.

Logan slid his hand under hers, wrapping his fingers around her delicate skin. He’d battled his feelings for her long enough. Either way, he was screwed.


Logan’s sudden silence troubled Elle. His strong fingers tightened around her hand. Suddenly, he pulled away, released her as if she’d bitten him.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Nothing.” He glanced around the room, catching the sommelier’s attention. “There’s a particular wine I thought you’d like, but I can’t remember the name.”

“Really?” His rejection stung. He’d gone from being tender and romantic to ice cold. “When did you become a connoisseur?”

“Eric asked me to take care of you, not to involve you in an investigation.” Logan pushed the wine list away, telling the sommelier to bring their best Cabernet Sauvignon.

“I’m a lot safer with you here.”

Logan mumbled, “Depends on your definition of safe.”

Their server arrived, ending their discussion. Logan ordered prime rib, rare. Elle chose the same only a smaller portion and cooked well done.

“A Texan ordering her beef well done. Your grandmother would be ashamed.” The fun-loving, easygoing Logan had returned.

“That’s true. She finally gave up trying to get me to eat raw meat.”

He laughed. The sound wrapped around Elle like a strong pair of warm and inviting arms. “Rare is not raw.”

“Close enough.”

She shifted in her chair so it appeared she was looking at Logan. Truth be told, given the opportunity, Elle could easily lose herself in his dark eyes. For now, she turned her attention to Brandon at the next table.

It didn’t take long to realize her lip-reading wasn’t as good as she’d bragged. Keeping up with Brandon’s words was almost impossible, but she snagged a few words.

A glass of wine appeared in front of her. She shifted her attention in time to see the sommelier walk away. “I missed the uncorking and tasting. How’d I do that?”

“You were staring at me.” Logan chuckled. “At least, it looked that way. Did you learn anything?”

“That Brandon talks ninety miles an hour, and I’m not as good as I thought. I picked up a few words. Resort, riches, and worldwide. Oh, and investment.”

“That’s good. I heard him mention having a sense of urgency. That’s the way these guys work. They convince the investor that the window to the deal is about to close, and if they don’t want to lose out, they’ll get on board quickly.” The background music stopped briefly, and Logan stopped talking. “Liam just said they didn’t have that much cash.”

“Alana is very animated. Her hands are moving rapidly.”

“She’s against taking money from their retirement. Let’s hope she sticks to her guns. Tomorrow we’ll explain everything.” The music restarted, ending Logan’s chance to learn more. “After Brandon learns he can’t clean out the Fitzgeralds’ bank account, maybe I can provide him with a new mark.”

“It doesn’t give you much time to build a background.”

“Eric needs something to worry about other than his baby sister spending time with his best friend.” Logan held up his glass in a toast.

Elle touched her glass to his. Surprised by his statement, she had to tease him. “So why would Eric worry about you and me up here in the mountains all alone? What could he possibly be afraid would happen?”

Logan’s eyes narrowed to slits for a second. “Eric’s an old mother hen when it comes to you.”
