Page 53 of Teton Sunrise

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With trembling hands, she reached for the bandage on Alex’s arm and fumbled with the knot. His jaw clenched tight, and the rock hard muscles on his arm tensed. Evelyn’s fingers wouldn’t cooperate. She would need a knife to slice through the bandage in order to remove it.

To avoid his burning stare, she concentrated on his arm. With a will of their own, her fingers slid up past the bandage, up along his shoulder, and across his chest. A slight shudder passed through Alex, and his chest heaved. Emboldened by his reaction, Evelyn stepped closer, and placed her other palm in the middle of his upper body. His masculine scent penetrated her senses, and a renewed longing lodged itself firmly in her lower abdomen. His chest moved in faster succession beneath her palms, and she ran the tips of her fingers along the smooth contours of his skin.

“Evie,” Alex rasped, and his hands clamped around her waist. He clutched her hips and drew her up against him. The breath left her lungs, and she dared to look up and seek out his eyes. The hunger expressed there was unmistakable, and Evelyn’s knees went weak.

“Please kiss me, Alex,” she whispered, and leaned up toward him. Her hands gripped at his shoulders. His response to her request was immediate. Like a starved man, his mouth descended on hers. One hand reached up and cupped the back of her head, drawing her closer. Evelyn wrapped her arms around his neck, and moaned as pleasure so intense she thought she might faint rushed through her. Alex wrapped his other arm around her waist, pressing her tightly to him. His lips slanted across hers, then left her mouth to trail hot kisses along her jaw and neck. He nuzzled the sensitive spot behind her ear, and Evelyn gasped as a new wave of intense heat flushed through her. She raked her fingers through his hair and clung to him as if her life depended on it. His mouth returned to cover hers again, and she parted her lips in response.

Without breaking the kiss, Alex scooped his arm behind her knees and lifted her to his chest. He left the shore of the lake and carried her up the embankment toward their camp. Evelyn’s head spun dizzily. She was no longer aware of what direction they were headed. The only thing that mattered, the only thing her body and senses were in tune with was the man holding her, kissing her. Anticipation raced through her, and she wrapped her arms more firmly around his neck.

Abruptly, Alex broke his heated kiss. His body tensed against hers, and he stopped walking. Evelyn tried to shake her euphoric feeling, sensing that something wasn’t right.

“Hello, Shadow Walker. I see you have returned,” a soft and feminine voice spoke in broken English.

Chapter 15

Evelyn’s head snapped around at the sound of a woman’s voice. An audible groan escaped Alex’s throat, and he slowly set her on her feet. “What the hell,” he mumbled under his breath.

She turned to come face to face with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Long ebony hair framed her delicate bronze face, and fell loosely to nearly her waist. She wore a simple buckskin dress adorned at the shoulders with shells and intricate bead patterns.

Evelyn’s mind raced. This woman obviously knew Alex. Her almond eyes glowed with quiet appreciation as her gaze traveled over his nude torso. Evelyn glanced nervously from Alex to the young woman. His eyes were locked on the Indian, looking at her appreciatively. The way she smiled warmly up at him spoke of more than a casual acquaintance.

Hurt, jealousy, and disappointment flooded her. Why had he never mentioned that he had an Indian woman waiting for him? What other secrets was he hiding from her? She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat, and tried to blink away the burning sensation in her eyes. Her body still sizzled from Alex’s kisses and the way he touched her. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have made love to her if not for this woman’s arrival. She glanced at the Indian woman. Had he . . . had the two of them . . ?

Alex cleared his throat behind her. “Evie, this is Whispering Waters. She’s a friend.”

The woman studied her with keen interest. Evelyn had the distinct impression that she was being assessed from head to toe.

“What sort of friend, Alex?” Evelyn couldn’t disguise the hurt in her question. She turned to face him. The intense look of desire from a moment ago was gone, replaced by a hard set to his jaw. His eyes no longer smoldered with want, but held an impassive appearance. A deep sense of insecurity and inadequacy in the presence of this pretty Indian woman washed over her.

Alex stared down at her after her question was out, and his eyebrows drew together.

“We’ve known each other for some years,” he said slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.
