Page 10 of Thor & Stacey

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“Done with what?” I ask coyly. He smiles and presses his mouth onto mine and his hands grip my hips.

“Staring at me like you want to eat me or suck me dry.” Jesus.

“Maybe I do.” I groan when his fingers pull and twist my nipples before his head comes down and his tongue wrecks havoc on my body. “Thor,” I groan as he feasts upon my tits.

“Everything about you is still so sweet. My woman.” I am about to tell this big strapping man if mine to take me to bed when I hear the door open and Erik and Lanie call out as they walk inside. I gasp, my face burning with embarrassment even though they have not made it to the kitchen yet. “Calm down baby. I will go and redirect them. We will finish this tonight.”He kisses me once more and walks out. That man still makes me giddy.

I didn’t really have a direction for my life until the day I met him. He became my compass and the family we built became my destination. I will cherish this life for all time.


Babies everywhere. Our family is going through a baby boom and it is wonderful. Our oldest Bill and his wife Daisy had a son, Bo, shortly after having Eira. Loki and Tabitha had Freyja just six months ago and she is already three months pregnant again. Hailey and Payton have in addition to Iona, a daughter named Skye and a daughter named Brenna.

After having their twins, Torran and Migan wanted one more and she is currently pregnant. Erika and Thane just had a son named Sune six weeks ago. I have been over to their house everyday helping out as she recovered from a cesarean. It was touch and go there for a while. I was on my knees every day praying for my daughter and her baby.

Erik and Lanie are still making babies and as crazy for his wife as my son is, I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. They are currently expecting number five.

Hank and Acadia have the twins, but I know she wants another one, so I am sure it will be anytime now.

Then there is my rebel. My hard ass. My son Sven. He and his wife Cymion had triplet daughters. We all assumed they would be done. Well of course not. They had SJ (Sven jr.) a year later and she is currently pregnant with another daughter. This is not to mention the babies all of my brother’s in law are still having. See.. baby boom.

Thor and I, though we are enjoying the babies and the constant love, we are also enjoying us.

The decades have been good to us. We have loved. We have lost and we have found our love for one another over and over again. Not many are lucky to find a love that not only spans over the decades, but thrives. We did and we never take it for granted.
