Page 5 of Thor & Stacey

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“Don’t start without me, baby.” she pouts holding her arms out to me.

“Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’m not starting without you,” I tell her as I climb on the bed. I kiss her before moving down her body until I reach her pussy. I lick her from her clit to her ass. “One day, I’ll take this too,” I tell her.

“It’s yours on our twentieth anniversary,” she moans.

“I’ll hold you to that, Stace,” I reply before getting back to her sweet juice. I want it in my beard as I destroy her.”

“Stop playing with me, Thor. I need you,” she whines and I have no choice but to give my love what she wants. I move up her body and seat myself between her thighs. She wraps her legs around my waist as I slide into her slowly. “Mmm,” she moans under me.

“So tight,” I groan as I thrust in and out of her. Over and over, until I feel her pussy clench and unclench around me.

“Breed me, husband. Fill me with your seed,” she demands, and just hearing those words from her makes me harder. I thrust in and out of her a few more times before I spill my seed inside of her, praying it takes hold.

I take her twice more before the night is over. Life doesn't get any better than this.

Chapter Three



“Stacey honey, do you need some help?” I turn and smile at my mother-in-law Enid who is sitting on the stool.

“No. I am ok. You sit and relax. I am going to make this hotdish and put it in the oven. It is nothing strenuous.” She looks worried. In truth, everyone is worried nowadays about me being pregnant with twins. Yes, you heard me. After we had Bill, we had another boy named Torran. I thought we would take a break, but apparently, it didn’t happen. I’m not mad about it. Not by a long shot. Every woman wants a husband who can’t keep their hands off them, and we never wanted to use contraception, so here we are. I am having a boy and a girl. We decided we are going to name them Erik and Erika.

“I don’t want my son fussing about you being on your feet.'' She is right about that. But, the thing is, she shouldn’t be on her feet either. She is pregnant as well. It seems she and her husband had a night of reminiscing about their marriage, and poof, she’s pregnant. Talk about a late-in-life baby. I happen to like that we are pregnant at the same time. It is something else for us to bond over. “I have to say I am jealous, Stacey. You are having a girl. I wanted a girl so bad, but nope. Not even this one,” she says, rubbing her belly.

“Oh, you found out,” I ask her, clapping my hands.

“I did. Yesterday. It seems Thom can only make boys. This one will be called Tori.”

“Oh, I like that.” Poor Enid. She has Thor, Om, Danhy, Brand, Hagen, and Troy. Each of them is a handful, and I can tell they are all going to be huge, like my Thor.

“Ladies,” my father-in-law says as he walks in the door and kisses his wife. His hand immediately goes to her belly and rubs it. Even after all these years, his love is evident. “Did she tell you we are having another strapping son?” His chest puffs out in pride.

“She sure did. Congratulations!!”

“At least I will have a girl to spoil when your daughter gets here,” she says, beaming. Putting my hand on my stomach, I am still in awe that we are having two. In three months, I am going to have four kids. It's everything I ever wanted. I wanted a big family, and nothing has changed. Kids are how we show the world our love for one another.

“Are you ready to go, my ripe little peach?” he asks her. She smiles, but not before rolling her eyes. I smile at them, knowing Thor and I are going to be like that.

“Are you going to be fine alone?” Enid asks before they leave.

“I will be great. He should be home any minute. You guys get going. Thanks for spending the day with me, Enid.” I hug her.

“You never have to thank me for that. You have made my son extremely happy. From the moment he brought you home, I knew you would be his wife. I should be thanking you.” I am crying. I am emotional these days.

“Thank you for embracing me and welcoming me into your family. Even when my own family walked away from me.” She kisses me once more and walks out. I stand in the kitchen for a while, rubbing my belly, waiting for the boys to wake up from their nap.
