Page 41 of On the Mountain

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“Just as long as he keeps shooting that nonsense.” Wade couldn’t be happier the old man’s lunatic talk would only benefit the boy.

He dismissed Neil then headed for the house. Kathleen was sure to be awake soon, but hopefully Wade could have a private word with Prescott and the boy before she emerged from her room for breakfast. The house smelled of smoked bacon and fresh bread. His stomach growled, reminding him how hungry he was. Voices drifted from the kitchen and Wade found Prescott entertaining the boy with his usual banter.

“Good Morning, big brother.” Prescott had noticed him first and offered a bright smile.

“Actually, it is,” he said with truth. “Has Kathleen been up yet?”

“No, but I heard her moving about.” Prescott told him.

“Then I’ll make it quick.” His eyes sought out the boy’s. “I’ve got word from town. Chuck is conscious.”

The boy’s face clearly showed his relief, confirming what Wade had believed. A temporary madness had overcome the boy. From what he had escaped in the mountain, it was no wonder. Prescott may have been right on that account. The boy was holding back emotions. The problem was, they were not being released in a healthy manner.

“That’s a relief,” Prescott sighed. “He isn’t talking, is he?”

“No worries there,” Wade stated. “He’s only speaking rubbish.”

He looked down at the boy and saw the bruises still visible on his neck. Wade was taken aback by the unexpected flash of rage he felt. Safer to concentrate on another topic, he asked, “Ever met a lady before, boy?”

A perplexed look had Wade grinning. “I’m not talking about a girl, kid. I’m talking about a genuine lady.”

The boy shook his head.

“Well, you’re about to meet one. Kathleen is more lady than the entire town of Lantern.” He informed him. “There is certain rules in behaving around a lady. You will not serve until she has seated. If she chooses to speak with you, remain perfectly still and keep eye contact. If she offers you salutation, simply bow your head. We’ve already updated her of your inability to speak.”

Prescott withdrew his pocket watch. “I informed her last night that breakfast would be served at eight. She will be here shortly.”

Wade glanced down at his clothing. “Right, I’ll need to go change. Boy, my sister will sit to the right of me. Please set the table accordingly.”

He hurried off to his room to change in proper attire. He loved his sister dearly and her visits, but admittedly could do without all the proper etiquette. Quickly showering, then changing into a set of clean clothing, Wade made his way back to the dining room. Prescott was at the table enjoying a cup of coffee. Kathleen had yet to make her appearance. He had just filled his own mug when she glided softly into the room.

“Good morning, my darling brothers.”

They both stood and she walked to them individually to offer a kiss. At her oldest brother, she stopped to reach up and place a gentle hand against his beard. “You could not have shaved for your sister, Wade?”

He smirked and removed her hand. “You know how cold it gets in winter. It helps keep my skin warm.”

“I see Prescott has shaved this morning.”

Wade glanced at his brother whom he already noticed had removed the small amount of growth on his chin. However, unlike his brother, he wasn’t entirely submissive to their sister.

“Then it will be his frost bite you will need to return and mend.”

She only responded with a smirk and then turned back to Prescott. “So, where is this Peter of yours?”

The evening before after Prescott had returned home from Lantern, he and Kathleen had talked at length. Wade had sat silently in the lounge chair listening as his brother discussed the boy in a possessive manner. Admittedly, he hated the childish jealousy he felt. Since the arrival of the boy, they had formed a special bond which Wade hadn’t wanted to share. Realizing how ridiculous this was, he decided to ignore it and allowed his brother to claim the boy as his own. As he had his mother and sister.

“I shall call him,” Prescott said, then proceeded to do just that. “Peter.”

The boy took longer than Wade thought necessary and he frowned slightly wondering if he hadn’t emphasized enough the proper protocol around his sister. At last the boy emerged out of the kitchen looking small and very timid as he stared up at Kathleen.

Prescott stepped forward to make the proper introductions. “Peter, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Mrs. Kathleen Rideout.”

His sister offered a warm smile to the boy, then it faltered only so much. Two delicate brows dipped slightly. “This is Peter?”

Prescott nodded. “Yes.”

The woman’s smile returned in full force before turning to look from one male to the other. “My dear brothers. You must believe me ignorant or extremely gullible.”
