Page 73 of On the Mountain

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Running a hand along the back of his neck, he fought the feeling of unbelievable tiredness. He hadn’t been sleeping much for the past four nights. Most of it he had laid wide awake next to her. Truthfully, his only thought was to ensure her safety and if he was asleep he couldn’t do that. However, as he sat there watching her sleeping so peacefully and looking so innocent something strange began to affect him. He knew it was dangerous and he really should have turned around and gone to sleep, but to his dismay all he could do was sit and watch. Then look what happened. The minute he took his eyes off her, she was gone. He cursed and searched some more.

“Looking for me, handsome?”

A seductive voice spoke to him from behind and Wade turned to see a beautiful woman with long and shiny blond curls standing directly behind him. She wore a low cleavage dress and reeked of cheap perfume.

“If things were going my way, I probably would be.” He admitted and allowed his eyes to drop to the half exposed breasts. A male response stirred in his pants reminding him how long it was since he last lay in bed with a woman. An image of Anna lying next to him as she slept came to mind and Wade angrily brushed it aside. “I’m looking for a boy.”

The woman’s brows shot high. “Kinky. But not necessarily unheard of. We get all sorts of type in here.”

Wade didn’t have the patience for this and sighed heavily. “He’s small, about this height, with dark hair and brown eyes. Have you seen him?”

She shook her head. “No, but if you want I’ll keep my eye open and when he comes in I’ll be sure to book the three of us a room.”

“I’d appreciate it if you just watched for him.” Purposely ignoring her comment regarding a threesome.

Thankfully, he spotted Joe and excused himself from the woman to head over in that direction. “Have you seen the boy?”

A saloon woman was hanging all over him and he barely acknowledged Wade, but he did offer him a funny grin as the woman licked him in an unusual spot. “Nope, can’t say that I have.”

He eyed his foreman and wondered what his new lady friend would think if she saw him now, but somehow, Wade seriously doubted the man cared less. ?

?Do me a favor. Find the other men and ask them if he came in with any of them.”

Joe gave him a look from under his brow that said he wasn’t too pleased with the task, but pushed himself off his stool nevertheless. “Come on sugar, you can keep me company.”

As he watched him leave, Wade placed his hands on his hips and took another look around the saloon. Nothing. His annoyance was beginning turn in to panic. Where the hell was she?

Chapter 17

Anna looked outside the tavern’s entrance and noticed it was completely pitch black outside. Only a handful of customers had come in and none of them were Wade. She sighed with disappointment and turned back to the dishes she was collecting from an empty table. Not that she expected him to come looking for her, but she had certainly hoped he would. It had been several hours now since their arrival in Kamloops and she had thought at the least he would wonder where she had gone to. If anything, Anna felt guilty that she hadn’t let him know where she was and that she would not be returning to the Circle H.

She brought her bucket of dishes into the back room where Ralph’s wife was busy cleaning dishes. The couple were nice to Anna. In particular, Mrs. Ashcroft. While Anna’s clothing were being washed and dried she had provided her with a clean set of clothing that once belonged to their son who had long grown and moved on. Anna felt less guilty knowing the clothes were no longer being used. When she spoke her voice was cheerful and made Anna feel that much more welcome. Her cooking was hearty and filled her empty insides up quickly so that by five o’clock Anna was ready to work for Mr. Ashcroft.

Admittedly, she was worn out from being out on the trail all day long and craved a soft and comfortable bed to rest her head. However, she had to start to think of survival. There was no time for rest and relaxation for Anna.

She had just stepped back out of the kitchen and into the bar when she realized the establishment had just doubled the size of clientele. Five of the ranch hands wandered in slowly and looked about. She prayed they would simply acknowledge her with a nod of the head and be on their way, since it was apparent there were no female entertainment in that particular saloon. Then, when one of them spotted her, he swiftly ran back outside.

“He’s in here, boss,” he shouted down the street and Anna had an urge to turn and run.

Their presence caught Mr. Ashcroft’s attention. “What can I get you boys tonight?”

“We ain’t here for a drink. We just lookin’ for someone.” One of them explained then pointed at Anna. “Him.”

“Hell, kid, you just about ruined everyone’s night.” Neil told her as he approached her with an annoyed grimace. “Boss wouldn’t let us off until we tracked ya down.”

Anna felt stunned, then turned bright red as a tall and burly cowboy came bursting into the small saloon. His blue eyes scanned the room before narrowing in on Anna. At first a look of relief filled them, then just as quickly turned to anger. She immediately took a step back when he made his way toward her.

“Where the devil have you been?”

Anna bit her bottom lip and shriveled away.

“What’s going on here?” Ralph Ashcroft came from behind the bar to stand between Anna and Wade. He was much smaller and much older, but Anna had to give him credit for standing up against a force as obvious as Wade Haddock.

Wade’s glaring face turned from Anna to the man in front of her. “This is a personal matter. I’d appreciate you minding your own business.”

“Just hold on there, fellow,” he stated and held his ground. “This here is my establishment. What goes on in here, is my business.”

“Fair enough.” He reached around him and seized Anna by the arm intent on dragging her outside.
