Page 89 of On the Mountain

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“Whatever for?” Kathleen questioned.

“Search party,” Prescott said point of fact. “I’m going to ride out and see if I can’t catch up.”

“Maybe that isn’t such a good idea.” She sounded worried and Anna still wasn’t clear as to the meaning of their conversation. “It’s too dangerous. Wade knows what he’s doing.”

“You don’t understand, Kathleen. I don’t plan on joining him.” His voice was bland as he told her, “I plan on stopp

ing him. If he tracks down the constable before the mounted police do, he’ll kill him.”

Anna’s heart stopped beating for an entire minute. A man could be hung for the murder of a lawman. Fear lodged deep in her throat. Throwing back the bed sheets, she pulled herself up to a sitting position. A sharp pain pierced her chest, but she dragged her limp legs over the edge of the bed.

“My God, what are you doing?” Kathleen came running back into the room.

“It’s all my fault.” Her words were slightly slurred and didn’t sound nearly as clear as she would have wanted. “I have to stop Wade.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said with determination, then with less conviction added, “Prescott will find him.”

She shook her head and pleaded with her eyes, but the presence of another man entering the room stopped her from saying anything. He was an older gentleman of whom she had never seen before. Instinctively, her guard went up and she drew the bed sheet closer around her body.

“Thank God, Doctor.” Kathleen declared, obviously relieved to see him. “She’s going to make herself ill again.”

“Whoa there, young lady.” He put his black bag down quickly and came over to put a pair of gentle hands on Anna’s shoulders and ease her back down on the bed. “You’re going to put all my good work to waste.”

“I’m sorry,” she said this with a clenched mouth. Her jaw was truly starting to hurt now. “But I have to stop Wade.”

“I don’t know what all this nonsense is about, but you will do no such thing.” He frowned down hard at her as he studied her face. “Is your jaw beginning to throb?”

She nodded weakly and he gave an understanding nod. “It’s beginning to swell as well as turn a lovely shade of blue.”

Anna watched as he turned back to his black bag and removed a white gauze bandage. “Other than your jaw, how are you feeling?”

She didn’t want to think about herself, there was a more pressing matter of stopping Wade. Her eyes pleaded with his sister once more, who only gave her a sympathetic look. “Um, fine I guess. I’m a little hungry.”

The doctor chuckled. “Well, that is always a good sign.”

He walked back to her and unfolded the bandage. “What’s that for?”

“You fractured your jaw,” he told her. “Now that you’re awake, we’ll need to wrap it up so that when you talk or eat, you don’t dislocate it.”

She shifted uncomfortably on the bed, a sense of unease still about her, but the pain in her chest caused her to wince once again.

The doctor frowned down at her. “Has it been painful?”

“Only when I move.” She offered reluctantly.

“Understandably.” He wrapped the white gauze under her chin, then up and around her head several times before pinning it securely in place. When he was finished, he gently placed his hands on the opening of the evening gown she wore, and Anna recoiled instantly. “It’s all right. I just want to have a look.”

She took a deep breath and allowed him to push the clothing aside and expose her partially naked chest. Anna kept her eyes diverted and without realizing it, held her breath until at last he put the gown back in place. “Starting to bleed some so I think I’ll change the wrapping now.”

“Did you need some help?” Kathleen inquired.

“That would be lovely.” He smiled over at her. “Could you bring a bowl of warm water and fresh towels?”

She nodded, then hurried out of the room. When she was gone, Anna looked up at him and asked, “When can I get up?”

“I imagine not for several days. You’ll need to rebuild your strength and allow your injuries to heal.”

A tormented crease formed between her brows.
