Page 68 of The Color of Ivy

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The door to the mercantile opened once more and Sam emerged. “There’s a doc on the west end of town and, apparently, a livery just around the corner. I’m going to take the horse in and find you somewhere to lay low while I go fetch the doc.”

Confused, she waited until he climbed back up on the horse before asking, “Why don’t ye just drop me off at the doctors then return the horse to the livery?”

Sam pulled the animal away from the shop and down a street heading south. Obviously toward the livery. “Sam?”

From behind, he tugged the hood of her cloak over her head and shielded her face, then leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “This is why.”

He thrust out a piece of paper from the inside of his coat and stuck it under her nose. Ivy’s jaw dropped. It was a wanted poster with her likeness on it. And for the first time, Ivy saw the dollar amount offered for her capture. And the smaller but e

qually impressive reward for her death. A funny sound escaped her throat.

“This explains how our friend in the woods knew about your identity. As promised, the conductor sent word to the city that I was bringing you in.”

“Why is this happening? I didn’t kill him.”

She felt him shake his head behind her. “Keep your voice down. We need to stay low and out of sight. Don’t want any money hungry fool to tip our whereabouts off before I’ve got a chance to talk to the authorities first.”

“Do ye really think that will make a difference?”

There was a pause, then, “Let’s hope so.”

The livery was deserted when they rode their horse into an empty stall. Sam made quick time of untacking the animal and feeding it. Taking Ivy by the hand, he led her through the barn where a wooden ladder stretched up into a dark hole on the floor above. Instinctively, she pulled back.

Sam turned and gave her a curious look. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t go up there.”

His head turned and followed her gaze. Dropping her hand, he patted her on the shoulder and said, “Wait here. I’ll go and have a look first. Stay hidden in case anyone comes.”

She nodded, grateful for his consideration. As she watched his figure disappear into the small opening overhead, she felt her insides begin to squeeze. Then he disappeared out of sight altogether. As the minutes ticked by, she felt the knot in her stomach begin to twist. What was taking so long?

Thumping her foot nervously, she glanced back over her shoulder to ensure no one was coming before calling out, “Sam? Where are ye?”


Tiny creases folded along her forehead as she frowned heavily, craning her neck back to peer as best she could into the hole. There was no movement from up above. Not even the sound of footsteps. Her pulse was beating so hard, it literally felt painful against her chest.


This time when she received no response, she placed her foot on the bottom rung without thought and was about to climb up after him when his face suddenly appeared in the small hole.


She could have cried with relief. “Why didn’t ye answer?”

“I just heard you now. Is something wrong?”

Yes. I thought I lost you.


He raised his brows briefly, but nodded to the ladder and said, “You can come up. There’s a small hatch door on the far side, but it opens.”

It startled her to realize how well he knew her. Placing her foot on the ladder, she reached up and grabbed the next rung. She made her way carefully upward, having to stop only the few times when her skirts got in the way.

“You need any help?”

She shook her head, but did not look up. She was never very fond of heights. Even though she knew better, she turned and looked over her shoulder. The floor seemed so far down.
