Page 70 of The Color of Ivy

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The door to the police station opened again and two men he did not recognize stepped out to stand next to Roy. Their matching stars, however, identified them as deputies. Unease swept over him. Trying to feign surprise, he arched his brows and asked, “You looking after this case? I would have thought it was under Canadian jurisdiction.”

“Just the missing woman.” Roy’s eyes pierced Sam with a hard look. “Where is she, Sam?”

“I can’t help you.” He remained blank as he stared Roy down.

“Don’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“You’ve made this mistake before.”

“Not this time.”

Roy’s eyes narrowed as he surveyed Sam closer. “You’ve gotten too close, boy. You need to step back.”

“She didn’t do it, Roy.”

“I’m sure that’s what she wants you to believe.”

“Dammit, she’s not lying. She’s innocent.”

“They all are.”

“This one is.” He held his ground, not taking his eyes off Roy even though his deputies stepped closer. Sam wasn’t so easily intimidated.

“Then do the right thing and bring her in, Sam. Let a court make that decision.”

“No. I need more time.”

“For what? To allow her to lure you further into her web?” He sounded harsh as if remembering the last time a woman had nearly destroyed Sam. Then controlling his temper, he softened his voice and said, “This isn’t your concern. Leave it in the hands of the law.”

“She is my concern.”

The look of disappointment on Roy’s face unnerved Sam slightly. He had always held his opinion in high regards.

The marshal sighed and to humor Sam, asked “Do you have some new evidence?”

“I might have an eyewitness.”

“There is already an eyewitness. What can yours prove to counteract Rebecca Taylor’s testimony? And who is it, exactly? Where have they been? Why didn’t they come forward before?”

Sam froze. “Whose testimony?”

“Rebecca Taylor, the eyewitness. She signed a sworn statement claiming she witnessed Ivy beating Phillip Hendrickson with the iron poker.”


“Becky Taylor?”

“Yes, I believe she goes by that name. Why?”

“That can’t be right. There has to be a mistake.”

“What are you getting at, Sam?”

“Ivy said she saw Becky Taylor in the corridor that night after leaving Mr. Hendrickson’s room. She couldn’t have possibly witnessed anything inside that room.”

“It is possible Ms. Taylor was witness to the aftermath of the killing. But no matter. The handkerchief covering the victims face belonged to Ivy McGregor. Hell, her initials were embroidered into a corner. What more proof do you need?”
