Page 82 of The Color of Ivy

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“Who really killed Phillip Hendrickson, Ms. Taylor?”

“You’ve said enough, Becky.” All three heads swung around in surprise toward the kitchen entrance. Stella stood inside the door jamb her arms crossed over her breasts; her gaze scanned all three faces before stopping on Ivy. “Hello, Ivy.”

She wanted to say something, but the unexpected sight of the woman she had befriended and came to trust, left a painful swelling in her throat preventing her from speaking. To her dismay, she found herself forcing back tears.

“Who are you?” Sam asked.

She gave a humorless chuckle as she went to her daughter and laid her hands on her shoulder. “I think I should be the one to rightfully be asking you that question.”

“He’s a friend of Ivy’s!” Becky blurted, her voice beginning to rise with hysteria. “He’s trying to lay the blame for this murder on me.”

Sam frowned, his eyes narrowing as he studied the young woman. “I came here to ask you some questions. I believe you know who the real killer is and are protecting that person.”

Stella’s attention moved back to Ivy. “How did you get out of prison?” Then her eyes shifted back to Sam and she said, “No matter. I guess I already know.”

“They’re going to hang me tomorrow, Stella,” Ivy whispered, finally able to find her voice.

A flash of remorse crossed the woman’s face briefly before she quickly subdued it. “I’m sorry about that, Ivy. Truly.”

The rapid and crushing arm of betrayal swung out and threatened to drag Ivy down into a deep, dark and lonely abyss. She swiftly looked to Sam. He stood tall and strong, and full of strength. Then he glanced her way and held her gaze. He believed in her. He trusted her.

Remarkably, she began to feel an ounce of confidence spread forth from within. Since her parent’s death, she had spent her life frightened of death. Something about the event had triggered a fear of it. The finality of her parents’ premature demise, haunted her daily. Perhaps that was the reason why she fought so hard against the Earl. She learned how to do whatever it took to escape death.

After Moira went missing, that fear only intensified. It almost felt as death was coming one by one for each of her family members. Ivy had always felt it in the shadows just waiting to pounce and claim her as well.

So she spent all her years running, hiding from the hardships life had thrown her and the people who had delivered them. However, as she stood there staring at Sam, she realized long ago she should have stood up and claimed her life, controlled her own destiny instead of allowing someone to send her to the gallows to protect their own interests.

In one simple look, she realized Sam had taught her something over these past few weeks, she had never discovered in the twenty years since her parents death. It was time she believed in herself.

“Why did ye do it?”

“Pardon?” Stella frowned as her attention lifted from her daughter.

“Did ye kill Mr. Hendrickson?”

She gave a sharp chuckle. “Of course not.”

But Ivy ignored her answer. “Is it you Becky is protecting?”

“Why would I kill him? You were the one who came to me accusing Mr. Hendrickson of improper behavior. The authorities were very interested in hearing that little tidbit.”

“Did ye also tell them you threatened me job if I did not comply?”

Stella had the decency to look uncomfortable, her attention sliding toward Sam standing so powerfully behind Ivy.

Becky leaped to her feet, eyes ablaze. “That’s not true! You conniving little whore. See what type of witch she is?”

This last question was shot at Sam whose sharp expression did not falter. But it was Stella who spoke, ignoring her daughter’s outburst. “If I had, it would have only added to your motive. It would have been too easy for the authorities to believe your union with Mr. Hendrickson had turned sour. That perhaps you had a change of heart and wanted revenge. At whatever the cost.”

“Mother?” Becky’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she stared dumbfounded at Stella. “You told me Ivy seduced Phillip.”

Stella sighed and reached out to stroke her daughter’s beautifully coiffed hair. “He was no good for you, Becky. I wanted to protect you. Deter his interest elsewhere. I thought if perhaps he released his wants on someone else, he’d leave you alone. I couldn’t sit back and watch him hurt you like he had the others.”

“But he loved me.” Tears spilled from her green eyes. “He

would have married me if it weren’t for Ivy.”

“No he wouldn’t have.” She sounded so sad when she whispered this to her daughter.
