Page 92 of The Color of Ivy

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She grinned. “Well, I would hate to see yer unfortunate and early demise due to the ungodly stench of human waste as opposed to the refreshing scent of animal feces.”

“Aye,” he mimicked her choice of words. “’Tis would be unfortunate.”

Eyes beaming, she looked down and pretended to study the top button on his shirt where just above his darkly tanned chest was visible. “Or perhaps the smell of spruce and pine would be best?”

When she glanced up he arched a brow. “You want to build a cabin in the wilderness?”

“It does bring back some wonderful memories.”

He moaned and drew her closer as if recalling as well. “A cabin in the woods it is.”

She chuckled and said, “I’d settle for a home in the village.”

To her delight he grinned with approval. “Too late. Already got my heart set on the first offer. Besides, mighty good forestry up there. We could get ourselves started a real decent business.”


“Well, I’d be hanging up my guns, seeing I’m going to be a married man.”

Ivy stilled. Sam must have noticed for his expression grew anxious. “Ah hell, did I move too fast? I was just thinking out loud, is all. You know, long range thoughts and that sort….”

His voice trailed off as he watched her face closely, waiting for her reaction. Ivy didn’t make him wait much longer. She beamed with happiness. “The long range looks grand to me.”

He cocked his head to the right. “You sure?”

She smiled, then went up on tiptoe, slid her arms around his neck, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Groaning, he snatched her up hard against his chest. “Ma’am, I believe when a man proposes to a woman he’d be expecting a hell of a lot more than a peck on the cheek. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I just asked you to marry me and you just agreed.” His eyes burned with sudden desire. “I reckon’ that calls for more than a peck.”

With all the confidence she loved about him, Sam did exactly that. His arms pulled her even closer as his mouth descended on hers. The pure pleasure it created sent a warmth straight to her belly.

Sam drew back and the fire of passion in his eyes nearly melted Ivy’s heart on the spot. “I’m thinkin’ we best get back to that room of yours.”

With his heart so clearly in his eyes, Ivy suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of love. And trust. No other man, nay person, had ever made her feel more cherished.
