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"I'm s-sorry," I stutter, throwing the test in the trash. "Coming right out."

I wash my hands, refusing to glance at my pale expression in the mirror. I walk out of there.

The stunning ebony-haired beauty from the station smirks at me as I get out. I walk past her, back into my wagon and collapse in my seat. I reach over to my bag, but the seat next to me is empty.

I look. My bag is gone.

"Fuck," I whisper, checking under the seats. Nothing. I get up and start searching the whole wagon. The bag is nowhere to be seen, and neither is the guy who was sitting there before. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me."

"Something wrong?"

I look up. The raven-haired girl is there, smiling at me.

"My b-bag," I whisper. "It's gone."

"A weekend bag?" she asks. "Louis Vuitton?"

"Yeah." My eyes light up. "Did you see it?"

"Some guy left with it..." she furrows her brows together. "I thought it was a bit odd he'd carry something like that. There was a stop while you were in the bathroom. He got off."

"Fuck!" I cry out, feeling frustration take over my tired body. It's too much - all of it is just too fucking much. That bag

had everything - my phone, my clothes. I only have the money, which I luckily kept in an envelope in my school blazer.

"I'm sorry," the girl mutters. "I feel partially responsible. I'm Alli."

"Pandora," I mutter miserably. She sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry to say, Pandora, but you seem like kind of a mess right now," she says amicably. "You want to talk? I'm going all the way to North Haven, so I have time."

"I get off there, too." I groan, rubbing my eyes. "This is my worst fucking nightmare."

"Well, let's talk it through," Alli suggests. "You'll feel better if you do. By the way... do you go to Eden Falls Prep?"

I look up, surprised, and notice her staring at my uniform.

"I guess, well, I used to," I manage. "How do you know the school?"

"Oh, my cousin goes there," she replies easily.

"Maybe I know her. What's her-"

"Anyway, you were going to tell me your tragic life story." She leans back with a beatific smile. I can't deny how beautiful she is. Like a dark-haired Barbie doll - stunning perfection. It makes me feel frumpy and sad to just look at her. "I'm sure it's not as bad as mine."

I muster up a smile despite the disaster that is my life. "Wanna bet on that?"

She grins, and once again I'm struck by just how familiar her features are.

"Tell me," she says, almost hungry. "Tell me everything about Eden Falls, Pandora."

