Page 30 of Celebrity Dirt

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“Pleasure, Addy.” He gently releases my hand, and my arm falls to my side.

“Addy is my guest today. Shall we get started?” Vincent signals us to sit, and Renaldo takes his seat, his bodyguard coming to stand behind him. He crosses his legs and leans back, his eyes traveling up and down my frame.

“So, where are we with the shipments? Your clientele? I assume we are still on the same page with cost and production?”

Renaldo removes his eyes from me, and I finally feel like I can breathe. “As promised, the eastern part of the region is primed and ready. I had my men cross scan the barcodes, and everyone is on track. You will be happy with the supply you’ll be receiving. We only send off the best.”

“And these will be the purple containers as requested, am I correct?” Vincent asks.

There’s a slight shift in Renaldo. “We had some issues with the ports in Florida. The purple containers were held up. We lost some product in the delay, which doesn’t mean anything for you. The red and orange containers made it just fine. You will be pleased.”

“And your issues with Florida? Will they be a problem for future business?”

Renaldo uncrosses his legs. “We’re looking for a new outlet to receive our shipments.”

“And?” Vincent casually asks.

“You have access to the Port of Chicago. Your waterways have access to the Gulf of Mexico. I want to make a deal with you. Allow me access to the Calumet Harbor, and I will pay handsomely for it.”

Vincent leans back in his chair, adjusting his tie. “I don’t need your money. As you already know, I’m doing quite well in heroin and cocaine.”

“Yes, and with our new business venture, you can be even richer. Allow me to use your water access, and I’ll give you first choice in shipping containers. I’ll even cut you in for twenty percent of my profits.” Vincent laughs, but I’m not sure what’s so funny. “That’s over two hundred thousand just for letting us obtain a small portion of water access.”

“And my water access is priceless when I’m the only one who owns it. Tell me, Renaldo, how much product will come through those shipments?”

Renaldo stares at Vincent, trying to break down his numbers. Most likely trying to formulate the right answer. Does he lie and withhold profits or decide not to sacrifice his new business contact? He blinks slowly. His eyes shift to me, and he licks his lips. “As we discussed over the phone, you will acquire five containers. Along with my personal investments, seven containers total.”

He’s totally lying.

“Two hundred? That’s equal to millions in profit. You insult me with your twenty percent.”

“I find it to be very generous.”

“And without my access, you have nothing. I suggest you find another option.” Vincent begins to stand when Renaldo stops him.


Vincent settles back into his seat. “Forty, plus first choice in containers, and you have access.”

Renaldo remains casual in his composure, unfazed by the hike in percentage. His real profit wouldn’t take a hit. He holds Vincent’s gaze, his expression lax, as he takes another few seconds to ponder the negotiation, then nods and stands. “You have a deal.” Vincent is up as well, and they shake hands. “We’ll be in touch on dates and shipments. I expect your discretion on our partnership. I would hate for anyone else to try to clutter up your waterways with their own dealings.”

Vincent nods. “Of course.”

Renaldo then turns his interest back to me. “I hope all our meetings have you in attendance. I must say, you are a sight.” Again, he reaches out, and I offer my hand. He places another kiss, this time on the inside of my wrist, and my cheeks flush. I admit, he may have just made me swoon, if that’s a real thing. I can’t decide if being seduced by him is charming or terrifying. He nods to Vincent, then he and his bodyguard are gone.

A few seconds pass before Vincent speaks. “What did you think?” His words break me out of the daze I was in.

“He’s an interesting man,” I reply.

Vincent throws his head back and laughs. “You seem a little flushed. He tends to have that affect on women. It’s why he’s so successful.”

“His good looks sell drugs?” I ask.

“That too. Drugs are his second most profitable business. His success comes from something much more profitable. Now, I didn’t invite you here to drool over him. Tell me. What did you learn?”

I shake off the fogginess. “I think he’s lying to you. He’s bringing in way more than he’s telling.”

Vincent looks pleased at my response. “Very good.”

“What are you going to do?”

He wraps his arm around my waist, and I try to control my breathing at the uneasiness I feel when he touches me. “Maybe I will steal his shipment and claim his competitors got wind and robbed him. Teach him that lying to me comes at a hefty price. Let’s go.”
