Page 59 of Celebrity Dirt

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“Got it. We ride together. We die together. Bad boys for life.” Why am I so awkward?

“Did you just quote Bad Boys II?”

I squeeze my eyes tighter. “Nooo…” Why, Addy, why!

Logan’s sudsy hands work down to my waist until he’s tugging me close to him. “Oh, ’cause if you did, I was going to compliment you on your great taste in action flicks.” His finger nestles under my chin, raising my face, and I open my eyes. His lips tease me, brushing ever so gently against mine. “And then I’d tell you how I love that you make me laugh—something I haven’t done in a long damn time.” He nips at my lower lip. “And I can’t promise you what’s going to happen after this, but for right now, I promise you’re the sweetest little surprise I wasn’t expecting. And damn, do I enjoy you.”

I’m not sure if his comment is a disappointment or a compliment. It’s hard to tell since he’s kissing me with such passion that I forget we’re about to go head-to-head with a scary villain and hope to live to see tomorrow.

Once I’m clean from head to toe, Logan shuts off the water. We dry off and venture back to his room to dress. He mistakes my sullen look and pulls me into his arms. “Know that if there was any other way, I’d never put you in this situation. I hate that I don’t know what’s ahead of us. As suspected, Vincent’s going off course. We just have to be prepared.”

“I told you, it’s fine. I’m not worried.”

He holds my gaze. “Okay. There’s something else. Seems Chino is suddenly MIA.”

Just hearing his name sends a chill down my spine. “Do you think Chino told Vincent his suspicions?”

“I’m not sure. Our unit lost track of him at his place. There’s a tracker on his car, but it hasn’t moved. We assumed he was on foot, but he has yet to pop back up.”

“What do we do? What if Vincent knows?”

“He doesn’t. We have his phone tapped, and he hasn’t heard from Chino since before your attack. It’s why he’s calling me in to do this run with him. I’m just not sure what his angle is for bringing you.”

“Maybe he trusts me. Like you said, he’s enamored with me. Maybe it’s just a power thing.” Logan frowns at the thought, not remotely liking the fact. “But it’s true. I don’t like it any more than you do, but maybe you should just let me help.”

He’s contemplating. Nope, he looks murderous. Now maybe contemplating it again—

“I don’t like it.”

“Just tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it.” He walks over to his nightstand and pulls out the bottom drawer. When he opens his hand to me, I lean forward to inspect it. It’s so tiny, I’m not even sure what it is. “What exactly am I looking at?”

“It’s a tracker.”

“For what?”

“You. If for any reason things don’t go as planned.”

“Why wouldn’t they—”

“I don’t fucking know. Just humor me, okay?” I nod, fighting off my imagination. He kisses me deeply. “Thank you. Now, let’s go so I can yippee ki-yay some motherfuckers.”

My eyes blossom like it’s Christmas morning. “Did you just quote Die Hard?”

“I sure did. You’re not the only one who knows their action flicks.”

I slap him on the chest. “I thought you said you didn’t have a favorite movie?”

“I don’t. Who can pick just one? So many good ones. Let’s go.”

“I think I’ve met my person, Logan Broderick.” He kisses me swiftly, and his phone buzzes, stealing the easy smile from his face.

“Let’s go.”

Not going to lie. Action flicks are way cooler when you’re sitting on your couch with a large bowl of oversalted popcorn. Living in one is a different story. “Okay, so, one more time?”

“You complain you don’t feel good and get the fuck out of there. That’s the plan.” His phone goes off, and he checks the caller ID and puts it on speaker. “What you got for me?”

Agent Bishop’s voice comes over the speaker. “We have a team in place at Calumet Harbor. It’s pretty quiet. If Leoni is having shipments come in tonight, they’re off the radar or not coming by cargo ship.”

Logan glances my way. “What did you find out about Norfolk Southern and the rail yard?”

“Your girl is certainly on to something. About forty-seven ago, three semis left a shipping yard in Fort Lauderdale headed to Chicago. Wanna take a guess who the company is? Victor Transportation.” Logan and I share the same knowing expression. “There’s chatter that Vincent intercepted part of Valdez’s containers and those are the ones headed to Chicago. The address Leoni has you going to is a rail yard, one that has a direct line for Norfolk Southern. Our guess, whatever is on those trucks is being put on freight trains.”
