Page 67 of Celebrity Dirt

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“Move,” he pushes me, and I try to work my way down the tunnel through the dark.

“Where are we going?”

“Once we get on my helicopter and away from the mess you’ve created, I’m going to find a nice spot over Lake Michigan and toss you out.”

My body becomes rigid, and I lock my feet. Yeah, no. “I’d rather you just leave me here.”

“Fucking walk!” He shoves me forward, and I stumble. His phone rings, and with one hand gripping my neck, he answers, “What’s going on out there? How much time do I have? I’m three minutes out. Be ready to take off.” He hangs up.

“What’s happening? You can’t take me on that helicopter. I’m super scared of heights.”

“Shut up. Go.” We reach a set of winding stairs, and he thrusts me up them.

“For real. I can’t. I’ll have a panic attack. I’m deathly afraid.” He rams his gun into my back, and I shut up, taking two stairs at a time. At the top of the stairwell, my body freezes, and I reel back into Vincent. “I’m serious. I’d rather you just shoot me here.”

“I’d love to, but you’ve proven yourself useful for once. If any issues arise between now and the time we climb on the chopper, you’re my bargaining chip.”

“Please. I have this phobia of heights. And boats. And, strangely, monkeys —”

Chino turns the doorknob, and Vincent pushes me forward. His arm goes around my neck, using my body as a shield as we all barrel through the door. “Nice and easy. Straight to the chopper.” Chino walks in front of us, his gun drawn. Vincent has to drag me, and by the time we make it to the helicopter, the bottom of my shoes are nearly shaved down to the soles. I’m beyond freaking out and on the verge of passing out. Where the hell is everyone! Isn’t this where the good guys yell ‘Freeze!’ and save me?

“They’re a minute out, boss.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and hold my breath as he tosses me into the chopper. I start counting down from one hundred—a trick my dad taught me for when I was stuck going on stupid zoo field trips and forced to walk past the monkey cages. Vincent’s voice messes up my counting, and I make the mistake of opening my eyes. He’s on a call.

“Meet me at the landing. I don’t give a shit. It will be more than your career on the line if you don’t.” He hangs up and shouts over the loud propeller to the pilot, “Head to Iroquois Landing.” Turning to Chino, he says, “We’ll get the girls first. Once all the containers are secured on the barge, we’ll depart through the Saint Lawrence waterway. My yacht will be waiting when we enter the Atlantic Ocean. In a few short weeks, we’ll be basking on sunny beaches and indulging in the delicacies of Portugal.”

I can only assume I won’t be accompanying them to Portugal. I peek out the window, and a wave of nausea consumes me. I squeeze my eyes shut again and shake my head. I really messed up this time. How can I be so stupid? Did I really think I was going to venture off with the bad guy and save the day? Don’t answer that, self! What part of ‘no funny business’ do I not understand? My mind wanders to Logan. Was he able to intercept those containers and save those girls? Did Chino call in Logan’s death warrant? Oh, Logan. What I wouldn’t give to have one last moment with him and apologize for being such a headache. How different things could have ended up if I’d just listened to him.


Chino’s voice breaks me from my thoughts, and I blink. I hadn’t even realized we landed. I squint into the darkness, trying to figure out where we are as Chino pulls me forward. He jumps out of the helicopter and sticks out his hand out for me. When I don’t take it, Vincent kindly shoves me, and I fall forward into Chino’s arms. He drops me, and I land on the cold ground with a thud. A man appears from a distance, ducking at the slowing blades. “This better be important. I’ve secured your access. Our business is done.” My head whips up at the voice as Vincent walks over to the man. Mayor Brighton.

“Our business is done when I say it is. We’ve run into an issue with the DEA. I need you to call in a favor. Once the barge is loaded, you will submit a security clearance to allow it to pass through the waterways without being stopped for assessment.”

“That’s insane. I don’t have that type of clearance.”

“Then get it. I’d hate for the city of Chicago to learn their loyal mayor is a pedophile who makes his millions off trafficking little girls.” Even in the dark, his sudden pale face is evident.
