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“He’s in love with her.”

“See? And Jack Fucking Carter doesn’t just fall in love all willy-nilly,” she said as if trying to convince me.

I sighed. “My brother doesn’t fall in love at all. Sure, he’s been an idiot in the past, we all know that, but he’s trying his damnedest to be good enough for her.”

Her concerned blue eyes bore into mine. “So, what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “She’s your best friend. Go fix her.”

Drama, Party of One

Later that afternoon, my laptop was propped up on my bed as I lay next to it. Jack’s baseball game was scheduled to stream live through a website I’d found, and I was checking the connection, making sure I could get it to work before his game started. I was psyched to be able to follow his game while he was away, and I knew Gramps would be too.

My cell phone beeped.

Jack: Is Cassie okay?

Dean: Why? What’s up?

I’d responded right back but was noncommittal, not wanting to tell him about all the drama that had ensued while he was away. The last thing Jack needed was for his focus to be divided. If he knew Cassie was upset, he’d do whatever he had to in order to make it right.

But he needed to concentrate on baseball, and his game later tonight, and it was my job to protect him from this other shit until the time was right.

And the time was definitely not right.

Jack: She won’t answer my calls, or return any of my texts. I’m starting to freak the fuck out.

Dean: I don’t know what to tell you.

Jack: Tell me what the fuck’s going on, Dean. How about that?

I started to type a response, but apparently took too long trying to formulate an answer that would settle him. My phone rang in my hand, and it was Jack.

“What’s up?” I said, trying to keep my voice light.

“Dean. What the fuck is going on there? I’ve called Cassie and sent her a dozen texts. She hasn’t responded to any of them, or picked up my calls. What the hell is happening over there?”

I bit the inside of my cheek as I attempted to lie. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s just busy?”

“Too busy to answer a single text? No, I don’t buy it. Did you see her today?”

“Yeah, I saw her.”

“Was she okay?”

“She seemed fine,” I lied. “We had lunch, and she was good.”

“Something’s wrong,” he said, his voice tight with emotion. “I have to pitch later, but all I can think about is the fact that my girl is ignoring me. It’s making me crazy because I know something’s wrong. I can fucking sense it.”

When I said nothing, he shouted, “I can’t pitch with my head all fucked up, Dean! Why won’t she talk to me? I told her I loved her and now she’s ignoring me? I feel like a damn lunatic right now, little brother. You gotta help me.”

“I’ll fix it,” I said quickly, and hung up.

I scrolled through my contacts for Melissa’s number. Calling Cassie would be pointless, but Melissa answered right away.

“I wondered when you’d call,” she answered without saying hello.

“Put her on the phone. I need to talk to her now.”
