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Afterward Brett dropped me off in front of Cassie’s apartment, and I told him it would be better if he didn’t help me inside. I had no idea what seeing him would do to Jack, and didn’t want to risk some sort of showdown just as my head had started to ease up its incessant throbbing. I thanked him for the ride, assured him I could get upstairs on my own, and sent him on his way.

Only once I was standing outside Cassie’s apartment in the dark did I realize that I hadn’t called Gran. It was late enough that I knew she’d already be in bed, but I had to get this over with. Otherwise she’d send out an APB tomorrow morning when she realized that neither of us were in our beds.

The phone rang, still too loud for my liking, and Gran answered, her voice thin and sleepy.

“Hi, Gran. I’m sorry to wake you.”

“It’s okay, dear.” There was a rustle in the background, and her voice sharpened. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

I sucked in a quick breath, preparing myself for the lie I was about to tell, and hating it. I never lied to Gran. But if I told her the truth, she’d worry herself sick and make me come home so she could take care of me herself.

“Everything’s fine. I just wanted you to know that Jack and I are going to stay at Cassie’s this weekend, if that’s okay with you. Melissa went home, and Cassie’s all alone and doesn’t like staying by herself. It makes her nervous, I guess.”

I willed myself to shut up and stop my babbling. Too many details, and Gran would know I was lying. I held my breath, praying I hadn’t overdone it.

“I guess that’s okay,” she said slowly, “since you’ll both be there. But no funny business. Tell Jack that goes for him, as well. I guess I’ll see you boys on Sunday then?”

“Yep. Thanks, Gran. Call if you need anything.”

“I will. I love you.”

“Love you too. And sorry for waking you up.”

She huffed into the phone. “It’s okay. I’d rather you wake me up than me wake up and be worried because you aren’t here.”

“That’s what I figured. Okay, good night, Gran.”

“Good night, honey.”

I blew out a relieved breath after ending the call. I’d always been a horrible liar, and was surprised and thankful that I’d gotten away with it this once. There was no way Gran would have let me stay here with Cassie if she knew what had really happened tonight. Not that I could keep it from her forever; I just wasn’t ready to go home yet. I felt like I needed to be with someone who’d experienced what I did.

I knocked on the door softly before opening it a few inches to peek inside.

“Kitten, Dean’s here,” Jack called out to her from the living room. Then he walked over to me and gave me a bear hug. “I’m glad you’re okay, little brother.”

“Me too. How’s she?” I pointed toward the bedroom just as Cassie emerged from it, her face bruised and swollen.

“Dean, are you okay?” She ran straight to me and squeezed me tightly, locking her arms around me for a moment before releasing me.

“I’m fine. How are you? Are you okay?” I’d be okay, I was pretty sure, so now I was more concerned with her injuries.

She nodded. “You have no idea how scary it was to see you hurt like that.” She shuddered, and I thought about how many times I’d heard that exact sentiment already tonight.

“And you have no idea how horrible it was to see some guy hitting you,” I said, unable to hide the anger that welled inside me as I replayed the events in my head.

“Can we not talk about that right now?” Jack’s voice was tight, his expression murderous.

“I’m just happy you’re okay,” Cassie said as she reached out to touch strands of my hair. “Does your head hurt?”

“Like a bitch,” I muttered.

“Before I forget, Melis said you could stay in her room.”

“Yeah? Well, I was going to stay in there even if she said I couldn’t,” I said as a manic laugh escaped. “It’s okay if I take a shower, right?”

I felt gross, and needed to get the glass and dried blood out of my hair. Plus, I ached all over, and the thought of twenty minutes under the hot spray sounded like heaven right now.

“Of course.” Cassie patted me on the shoulder and pushed me in the right direction. “There’s a shower in her room. Extra towels are under the sink.”
