Page 32 of Surge

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Neither one of them managed a word. With Marco’s arm draped over his shoulder, Dyson waved me off. “Let’s just… We’ve got to get out of here.”

Realizing what was at stake, I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, yes we do. Let’s go. My car is parked right around the front.”

The three of us began to make our way around the side of the building when a sudden impediment blocked our path. Frozen in place, we looked straight ahead. Gunter, his entourage, Darren, and Dieter all stood in front of us.

Dieter spoke first. “Dyson, what’s the meaning of this?”

Dyson, still half-delirious, chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about? Marco and I had a little bit too much to drink, and we fell into the trash cans behind the bar. Ava found us.”

Gunter stepped between us and them, pointing at Dyson.

“He started a fight in the bar, Dieter. I’ve got witnesses—proof.”

Dyson spit in Gunter’s direction. “You don’t have jack shit. Gunter, why don’t you go fuck yourself?”

Gunter snapped his head towards Dyson. “I’m telling you right now…”

“Enough!” Dieter yelled. He pointed at Dyson. “As of this minute you’re suspended from the team. Not only for fighting with Gunter, but also for putting Marco in the middle of everything.”

Before Dyson could say a word, Dieter turned to Darren and said, “Take Marco, and get out of here.”

“Yes sir, right away.”

Almost before I realized it, Darren disappeared with Marco, walking around the corner and vanishing from sight. Afterward, I turned my attention to Dieter. He stepped a bit closer to us.

“Dyson, you know I’ve treated you like a son. Whatever is going on with you, you need to get help. This is the only chance I’m going to give you. Take this suspension, and make something of it.”

Dyson struggled to stay upright.

Dieter turned and looked at me. “Ava, take him back to his motor coach. Put him to bed.”

I nodded and steadied Dyson, helping him to begin walking. After a drive across town, we arrived back at his bus. It had just begun to get dark outside.

I parked my car and walked around to Dyson’s side, glancing in the direction of the motor coach. There were lights on inside. I swallowed, readying myself for the inevitable confrontation I’d have with Anastasia and Svetlana. Opening the car door, I reached inside to help Dyson, but he swatted my hand away.

“I got it,” he grumbled.

A few moments later, he unlocked the door to the bus and walked inside. Following behind, I entered immediately afterward. I glanced around, expecting to see the girls, but no one was there. Dyson seemed completely unsurprised.

He walked towards the refrigerator and grabbed another beer.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night, Dyson. Don’t you?”

Dyson scoffed, opened the bottle and tossed the cap aside. It bounced across the counter, making a series of clinking noises before falling to the ground and rattling to a stop. I turned my attention towards him. By the time I did, he’d already taken several large gulps.

I shook my head at him. “Why are you acting like this?”

He didn’t answer, but instead lifted the bottle to his lips and drank again.

“You’re suspended, Dyson. You can’t drive. When do you stop acting like this? What are you trying to prove, anyway?”

Dyson cleared his throat and placed the bottle down on the counter.

“You’re free to go.”

“No, I’m not going anywhere. If this was just about you, Dyson, believe me, I would have no problem walking out that door. But my job is on the line as well.”

Dyson frowned and turned away from me, walking back towards the bedroom. Biting my lip, I followed right behind him. A few seconds later, he collapsed on top of the bed, closing his eyes.

With any luck, he would pass out and not be able to do any more damage. As much as I wanted to scream and slap some sense into him, I thought better of it. However, there was one more question I needed answered before he blacked out.

“Dyson,” I began, crossing my arms at my chest. “Dyson, look at me.”

He glanced up in my direction.

“I just need you to be honest with me. Before I found you and Marco at the bar, I stopped by here. Anastasia and Svetlana were hanging around. I’ll just be direct with you. Are you still sleeping with them?”

He closed his eyes, shaking his head.

“No,” he muttered.

“Do you mind me asking what they were doing here?”

I looked down at him and noticed his breathing had changed. It was deep and rhythmic.

“Dyson,” I said again. “Can you hear me? Dyson?”

He’d passed out. I exhaled and shook my head. Turning to leave, I switched off the light in his bedroom and closed the door. A few minutes later, I’d left and was in my car on my way back to my hotel room.

For now I’d done all I could to help Dyson.

As far as Anastasia and Svetlana were concerned, I had no choice but to believe him when he said he wasn’t having sex with them. Even so, I had to put all that out of my mind. I had a final meeting with Simon’s school administration scheduled. It was the last chance I’d have to keep him there and nothing mattered more to me.

How I’d pull it off, I still had no idea.


A couple of days later, I’d returned home and was once again at Simon’s school. Of course, I was no closer to adopting Simon than the last time Mrs. Marberry and I spoke. I had no plan, other than to just see if there was some way I could appeal to her kindness.

After she invited me into her office, I took a seat in the same antique chair I had a couple of weeks before. With clammy hands and damp armpits to match, I did my best to mask my state of mind and smiled at Mrs. Marberry before I spoke.

“Thank you for taking time to see me again, Mrs. Marberry. I really appreciate it.”

A polite smile spread across her face.

Nodding, she replied, “Of course, Ms. Walters. I take it you have some news for me?”

There was no sense in pretending. I looked away from her for a moment, shaking my head.

“No, I’m afraid I don’t.”

I turned back in her direction. She raised her eyebrows and leaned back in her chair a bit.

“Ms. Walters, I believe I made the school’s position clear on this issue. This has nothing to do with Simon. It’s just a matter of policy.”

“Yes, Mrs. Marberry. I understand your position. All I’m asking for is that the school at least consider accepting him. I can pay.”

Mrs. Marberry shook her head. “Ms. Walters, I don’t mean to be rude but there is a long waiting list of people who are more than capable of paying. We want the very best students. This is not an issue of money.”

I sat forward in the chair, interlocking my fingers and placing them in my lap. “But you told me yourself Simon is one of your best students. If what you’re telling me is true, I don’t understand why you won’t allow him to attend?”

Mrs. Marberry thinned her lips. Frustration began to show in her expression as I looked at her. It wasn’t the outcome I wanted but at this point, I almost didn’t care.

“Ms. Walters. I believe we have reached an impasse on this issue. I’ve explained to you that if you are able to show proof you have adopted Simon, we will gladly accept him. But short of that, there’s nothing I can do for you.”

I exhaled and lowered my head but didn’t speak.

“Now unless there’s something else you need to tell me, I’m afraid that I’ve got to end our discussion at this point. I hope that you…”

While she was in the midst of her sentence, my cell phone began to ring and vibrate in my purse.

“Excuse me, I’m sorry about that.” I began, reaching in my purse for it.

I glanced up at her. She didn’t respond but instead forced a polite smile.

Pulling the phone out, I looked at the screen to see Dieter’s name flashing. I had no idea why he would be calling me, but it couldn’t have come at a worse time. Still, I had no choice but to take it.

“Do you mind?” I asked, glancing at her.

Mrs. Marberry shook her head and gestured towards her office door. “Please take it in the lobby.”

I got up from the chair as fast as I could, nodded at her and headed towards the door. Swiping the phone on, I answered. “Dieter? Is everything okay?”

“Yes Ava, good to speak with you.”

By now, I’d reached the lobby outside of Mrs. Marberry’s office. “Thank you. Is something wrong? Did something happen with Dyson?”

“Dyson? No, this phone call is not about Dyson.”

I stopped in place, and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear, focusing on his words. “Um, okay. Well, what’s this about?”

“It’s about Dr. Luca.”

I frowned. “Dr. Luca? What about him?”

Over the next minute or so, Dieter explained to me Dr. Luca’s passport issues were resolved ahead of schedule. In fact, he was going to be able to rejoin the team for the final race in New York.

“So,” Dieter began. “Obviously with the return of Dr. Luca, your services will no longer be needed by the team. Of course, you will be paid for your time until now.”

I stood there in shock.

Of course, I hadn’t expected to work for the team for much longer, but if I’d been able to finish out the remaining race, I would have almost had enough to cover two years of Simon’s tuition.
