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That was why, after getting Elena and Elin off to school, I was walking through the doors of the local gym rather than bellying up to the counter at Amy May’s for coffee and cupcakes. Just stepping into the space filled with machines working, people grunting, and a mixture of sweat and cleaning fluid filling the air had me reconsidering my decision.

Maybe I could start getting fit again tomorrow…

Before I could spin around and skulk back out the door I heard, “Lila?”

I lifted my head and found the source of that lilting, sexy voice.

“Bran?” I replied, even though it was obviously Bran walking toward me.

You know how it is when you are used to seeing someone in one place, then you see them out of that element, and it totally throws you off? Yeah, well, I was used to seeing Branson Braswell in his three-piece suit, in his law office, doing lawyerly things. I was not used to seeing him in a tank top and running shorts, looking slightly sweaty, muscles on display like he lived in this gym.


“Hey, I haven’t seen you in here before,” he said with a smile, deep blue eyes flashing as he took in the running pants and tank that fit me like a second skin.

“Yeah, I, uh, have been taking some time off,” I replied lamely, causing him to chuckle.

“It’s good to see you,” Bran added, still smiling.

I hadn’t seen him since we’d finalized everything with Moose’s will, and even then, we only saw each other a few times, so I was surprised he seemed so happy to see me. Especially since every time he had, Cade was there with me, scowling down at Bran like a territorial caveman.

“You too,” I replied, realizing that it actually was. I hadn’t gotten to know him on a deep level, but he seemed like a good dude. It wouldn’t hurt to have another friend, right? Especially one with piercing blue eyes, a killer smile, and a sweet disposition.

“So, what are you working on today?” Bran asked as he led me farther into the den of torture, making my escape impossible.

“Uh, I don’t know, cardio?” I said with a half shrug. “I’ve been getting into some crazy situations recently, so I need to do something to make my reaction time a little faster.”

Bran’s brow furrowed, and I told him about what had happened over the last week, trying to be as vague as possible to protect the innocent, of course.

“I heard about that,” he responded, reminding me of just how small this town was, and that there were no secrets in Greenswood. “I hadn’t realized you were involved though.”

“I was hired yesterday to do an investigation of my own.”

“You know, I volunteered to teach self-defense in college,” Bran said, bringing his hand to my bicep. I wasn’t sure if it was to hold me in place, or to see how strong I was. “I’d be happy to work with you, show you some moves. I’d feel better about you being out there spying on bad guys if I knew you could defend yourself.”

Aww, that was kind of sweet. Plus, maybe that means I could get out of doing cardio…

“Yeah, that would be great, thanks,” I replied with a smile, already thinking about my celebratory cupcake.

An hour later, I wasn’t thinking about anything but a cold shower, a deep-tissue massage, and the demise of Branson Braswell.

“You’re a sadist,” I moaned from my prone position on the mat.

“I can be,” Bran agreed, with a decidedly wicked chuckle. “Now quit being lazy and get back up.”

“Lazy?” I scoffed, rolling to my side.

He’d had me lifting weights and doing sprints on the treadmill, and had spent the better part of the last thirty minutes tossing me around the mats like a ragdoll.

As soon as I was standing, Bran moved behind me and started to attack. Not thinking, just reacting, I stomped on his foot, then reared back, ready to slam my head into whatever part of him it came into contact with.

Of course, he deflected my movements, but I still felt pride rise up in me when Bran said, “Yes. You’re getting it, Lila. In a few weeks, you’ll be acting purely on instinct.”

His words had my pride deflating, and panic taking it’s place.

“A few weeks?”

Yes, those words totally came out as a whine, and I may have been fighting back tears.
