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I wanted to tell her to go to hell, knowing that she used this sweet old lady act to gain the trust of these young girls in order to drug them. She was just as despicable as the goons, maybe more so, because she knew what was about to happen and she helped anyway.

I took the bottle, making sure to knock a couple items off the table as I did.

“Sorry,” I muttered as she bent down to pick up the brush and comb off the floor.

Thinking fast, I looked at the bottle, then the goons who were talking to each other, and tipped it quickly, spilling the water in my lap. By the time she came back to standing, the water bottle was mostly empty on the table in front of me, and I’d let my head fall forward. Breathing out slowly, I willed my body to relax and gave my best impression of being doped up.

I focused on keeping my breathing shallow and my limbs fluid as she started brushing my hair, yanking and tugging painfully as she worked out the knots that had formed after being hosed down.

Inside I was screaming, shit, fuck, motherfucking son of a bitch, but outside, I was completely still.

Once my hair was back in a braid, I was urged to standing, then walked over to one of the benches and eased into an empty spot. I kept my head bowed as I listened to the older woman tell the men that everyone was ready.

“I’ll tell the boss,” one of the goons said, and I saw his leather loafers as he walked past me and down the row of drugged girls.

I shifted my eyes, trying to gauge how far away I was from Alani, my heart breaking over all the girls in that room. I wondered how many parties like this one Yusuf had already thrown? How many girls had gone missing from their homes, from their families? How many were right now being held captive with no hope of every being set free?

The thought made my blood boil, and my bones chill.

I have to make sure these women don’t fall victim to the same fate.

A door slammed open and it took all I had not to flinch at the sound.

“Boss said take ‘em in and get ‘em ready,” one of the voices from earlier said. I didn’t look up to see if it was the goon with the hose, or the goon with the towel.

I listened to the sound of footsteps of what sounded like three people, and felt a tap on my shoulder, then a hand on my bicep urging me to stand.

We were herded out of the dressing room and led down a hallway. I watched the girls in front of me the best I could and kept my ears open to the sounds of the conversations around me. We passed a room with what sounded like a group of guys. I didn’t see them, but I heard their mixture of voices and the obvious excitement over what was about to happen.

“Did you hear how much we raised already?”

“Yeah, this is the hottest crop yet.”

“I can’t believe they finally got the big dog to come to one of these.”

“It was only a matter of time. We’re the best show on island, and news is getting out.”

“That hot blonde Yusuf brought in is going to be the star of the show. Hot, blonde, and a virgin? Those fucking guys are going to be jizzing all over themselves to win her.”

I bit back the vile that had risen in my throat, and did my best to keep putting one foot in front of the other, even though what I really wanted to do was go in that room and kick them all in their dicks.

I heard some shuffling a head of me, and as I kept walking, I saw that some of the girls were being deposited in different rooms. I passed a few rooms that held three to four girls, who were sitting on large beds.

As I started to pass the fifth room, I noticed Alani inside. Making myself stumble, I tripped over my feet and fell inside the room, holding back a moan when my entire right side hit the floor, hard.

I closed my eyes and kept my breath even as I waited.

I didn’t hear any movement on the bed, and wondered how long the drug worked before the effects wore off. Would everyone be given another dose before the party, or was it potent enough to keep everyone basically catatonic until they were already auctioned off?

After few moments, I heard the sound of running. It passed the door, then stopped, and I heard the footsteps coming back to the room.

“Dumb bitch must have passed out,” the oaf said. “What the fuck is that, did she piss herself? Do we need to go hose her off again, or should we take her down to the last room?”

“Nah, just leave her in here,” another man said. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to throw my back out carrying her around. She’s not as small as the rest of the girls. And if she did piss herself, she deserves to marinate in it.”

“You think Yusuf will be okay with her being in here with his prize?”

“Yeah, sure, maybe being in here will get her more attention and get her sold faster. Get her the fuck outta here before anyone knows she’s gone.”
