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“Yeah?” Cade said, throwing back the covers to reveal his still-naked form.

“Christ, you’re hot,” I said without thinking, causing his lips to turn up sexily.

“Yeah?” he said again, his voice deeper this time. “You want breakfast?”

I tore my eyes from his body to see him watching me, a wicked expression on his face. My hand flew to cover my eyes and I said, “Oh, no, you’re not tricking me into fornicating in this house again.”

“Fornicating?” Cade asked with a laugh. “And I’ll take credit for the first time, but last night was all you, darlin’, so don’t try actin’ all innocent.”

Choosing to ignore his facts, I kept my eyes covered and started backing away from the bed, my free hand reaching out to make sure I didn’t bump into anything. I heard him getting out of the bed, then the sound of drawers opening and clothes going on.

I uncovered my eyes to see Cade wearing his board shorts and nothing else, and admitted that the sight

was almost as tempting as seeing him naked.

“Hey,” I began, thinking of breakfast. “How come there’s no bacon in the house? Don’t your parents like pork?”

“We’ve eaten pork since we’ve been here, of course they like it, but spam is the traditional breakfast meat here, not bacon. Don’t worry, you’ll get your fill of pig later today,” he said as he crossed the room, grabbing my hand as he passed to pull me with him out the door.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Alani’s party,” he replied. “We’re having a pig roast.”

Alani was right about her graduation. The ceremony was long, and kinda boring, but no one screamed as loud as we did when she walked across the stage. And, no one looked as proud as Mama and Pops as they watched their youngest graduate high school.

It was really beautiful to watch, and I found myself looking nervously at Elin and Elena, wondering how I was going to make it when it was my babies walking across the stage at graduation.

Now, we were back home, and I was currently looking at the most food I’d ever seen in my life.

There were people everywhere. In the front yard, in the backyard, and overflowing out of the house. If I didn’t know better, I’d think the entire population of the Big Island were currently at Alani’s party.

“Quite a spread, huh?”

I turned to see Chris sauntering over, a cold beer in his hand.

“Yes, wow,” I replied, tip-toeing up to kiss his cheek. I figured after all we’d been through together, we were on cheek kissing terms. “This is amazing.”

“Need me to break it down for you?” he asked with a grin.

“Yes, please,” I replied with a laugh.

We walked toward the table, and Chris began pointing everything out and telling me what it was.

“The pig is called, Kalua Pua?a. It was prepared in an imu, an underground oven. That’s Mahi Mahi, teriyaki chicken, poi, poke, chicken rice, sweet potato, squid luau, salad, and that’s pineapple, lychee, coconut, mangos, papayas, and watermelon.”

“What’s your favorite?” I asked, unsure of where to start.

“Well, I love it all, but if I had to pick, Auntie makes the best Poke on the Island.”

“Back off my woman,” Cade said with a grin as he came up behind Chris, his arms circling his waist as he lifted his friend off the ground.

“We were just talkin’ food,” Chris protested with a laugh, then clapped Cade on the shoulder when he was released back to the ground. “Good to see you again, brother. Congrats to Alani. I can’t believe she’s all grown up.”

“Hardly, she’s still a baby,” Cade said, still in denial.

“Hey, am not,” Alani called from where she was standing with some of her friends from school.

Cade waved away her protest and turned to drop a kiss on my lips.
