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; I was trying to figure out how to incorporate my Z, Q, and V into a word, when the silver Hyundai pulled out of the garage.

“Go time,” I muttered to myself, then eased behind her and followed her into Greenswood to Jake’s Bar and Grill. We parked, and I gave her a few seconds to get inside, before I turned off my van and went in after her.

Jake’s was pretty busy, it was Friday night, and Greenswood didn’t have a large social scene. You either went to Jake’s, the Stagger In, or, my favorite place, the Tapas bar in The Heights.

Not wanting to look suspicious, I headed to the bar and took an empty stool, which had a pretty good view of the dining area. I surveyed the scene until I saw the familiar dark head seated in a two-top by the wall.

She was once again in a maxi dress, this time in navy blue, and was seated across from an attractive gentleman.

“What can I get ya?” the bartender asked.

I hadn’t had dinner yet, but the sight of my perp with a man who she was probably cheating on her husband with took away my appetite.

“I’ll have your house red and that chocolate lava cake you got,” I said.

Okay, so my appetite wasn’t totally gone. I had room for cake.

I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I didn’t need to. I’d follow them if, and when, they left, and get what I needed later. I did, however, pick up my phone and act like I was taking a selfie, when I was really taking a picture of their table. You could only see the back of her head and profile, but it was enough to tell it was her, but you could see his face perfectly.

I thanked the bartender when he placed my wine and the lava cake in front of me. As I put the fork into the soft cake and the fudge spilled out, I flashed back to the first time I’d had lava cake here. I had just met Cade, we’d only had one date, and I’d had a couple chance encounters with a member of a Mexican drug cartel, although I didn’t realize it at the time.

The memory brought a smile to my lips, and a pang to my chest.

I missed Cade, and I hated that I couldn’t even call or text him.

Feeling melancholy, I dove into the lava cake and tossed back the wine, finishing both in record time.

Stuffed and feeling a little gluttonous, I looked up just as Mrs. Phillips stood and hurried into the back room, which was where the restrooms were. She looked distraught. As I stood to follow, I saw the man get up and rush after her.

Intent on pretending to have to use the facilities, I followed behind them, keeping my shoulders back and stride clear, purposefully walking to the bathroom.

I heard voices past the restrooms, in the back room where the pool tables were. Keeping to the wall, I walked down the hall, stopping right before the opening to the room and listening to the conversation.

“Steph, you’re driving me crazy,” the man said, his voice full of emotion.

I heard movement, then she replied, “I know, and I’m sorry. But, I don’t think I can do this.”

“Come on, Steph, I’ve been waiting for you for years, and now, we finally have the chance to be together.”

“But, we don’t,” she replied softly. “Because I’m not single. I’m married, and, I’m sorry, Stephen, but I love my husband.”

“If you love him so much, why are you here with me?” he asked, getting angry.

“Because I’m lonely. You don’t know what it’s like to be married to a man who has to leave you all the time. I miss my husband, and I thought you were my friend. That I could come to you for support. I’m sorry if you thought by contacting you, I wanted to have some sort of affair. That’s not what I was looking for.”

The man scoffed.

“What was I supposed to think when my ex-girlfriend calls me up and asks if I want to go out?”

“Um, that I wanted to go out to dinner with an old friend?”

“We’re not friends,” he argued. “I expected a booty call, not a dinner where I listen to you moan about missing your husband.”

“Wow, okay, well, thanks for clearing that up,” Steph said, obviously hurt by his careless words. “I’m going to go back to my parents.”

“Seriously, that’s it?” Stephen asked harshly, and I thought maybe I should break things up before they got ugly.

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