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He spread out the blanket near the edge of the water and opened the bottle as she got comfortable. He poured her a glass and handed it to her, sitting down so their thighs touched.

He held his glass up to her and said, “To second chances, and to the most amazing woman I know.”

“To second chances,” she toasted.

She took a sip and looked out over the water. “It’s a beautiful night. I love the way the moon shines out over the water. It’s magical.”

Colin looked at her face reflected in the moonlight as he tried his wine. He felt the familiar longing and contentment that he always had when he was with her.

“Hey.” She turned to him with a wicked grin. “Wanna go swimming?”

“We don’t have our suits.”

“You gonna let that stop you?” she asked as she stood up and placed her glass on a nearby rock and began to pull her shirt over her head.

Colin watched, awestruck, as she shimmied out of her skirt, then walked to the water and looked over her shoulder at him as she took off her bra and threw it on the ground next to her.

She gave him a come-hither smile. He jumped to his feet and yanked his shirt over his head. When he pulled at his buckle, he watched as she strode to the water and dove in, her gorgeous body softly glowing in the moonlight.

He almost tripped in his eagerness to get his pants off, but quickly righted himself and finished taking off the rest of his clothing. It seemed he was no longer capable of rational thought. His sole focus was on getting in that water as fast as possible.

He barely registered the chill of the water as he dove in the direction that Briana had gone. When he surfaced, she was a few feet away from him, treading water as she waited.

He swam up to her and pulled her to him. She wound her arms around his neck.

Their lips met frantically, both of them reveling in the feel of their wet bodies meeting beneath the water, forgetting momentarily to kick their legs in order to stay above water.

They stayed in the kiss for a moment, as their heads submerged, then pulled apart and resurfaced with a few kicks.

They were both laughing as they came up for air, then began to slowly swim towards the shallow end. When they reached solid ground, they came together, bodies hot and eager to touch.

Briana moaned into his mouth, as Colin began to lose control. Their hands were everywhere, the silky feel of her body turning him on more than he’d ever been. He broke from her lips and trailed kisses along her jaw and neck as her hands roamed freely under the surface.

The light shining in his face barely registered, as Colin licked and nibbled eagerly along Briana’s shoulder, fueled by the soft sounds emitting from her throat.

But when he heard a voice say, “Come out of the water and leave the premises, you’re on private property,” the fog in his brain began to clear.

They broke apart and looked over towards the voice, which had come from a police officer. He shined his flashlight in their direction.

“Come out of the water folks,” the officer said again.

Colin was almost to the shore when he realized that he and Briana were naked. She hid shyly behind his body.

“Um, Sir, we’re going to exit the water, but would you mind turning off the flashlight and allowing my date to get her clothes?” Colin said loudly, trying to sound firm but respectful at the same time. He didn’t want to anger the cop and get them in any further trouble.

The light went out and the policeman turned. They ran from the water to their clothes and dressed as quickly as possible, their bodies’ slick and no towels available to dry off.

Once they were dressed, Colin threw everything back into the bag and thanked the officer as they made their way back towards the fence.

“Just remember this is private property and it’s not safe to be out here at night,” the police officer called after them. “Don’t let me catch you here again.”

“Yes, Sir,” they both yelled back at him as they scurried down the road to Colin’s truck.

When they got inside, they both started laughing, and soon Briana was overcome by giggles.

“I was so scared when he started talking,” she managed. “I never heard him come up.”

“Neither did I. I almost had a heart attack when I realized what was happening.”

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