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“Hey, I didn’t know you were coming in today,” I said, giving him a smile. He looked handsome in worn jeans, a Pink Floyd T-shirt speckled with paint, and an old ball cap covering his unruly hair.

Brock turned and gave me a grin that could make a woman melt, and I chuckled softly when I heard Suzy sigh. “There she is,” he said as I walked near. “Suzy said you were probably talking to Kat, so she and I were chatting about the new salon opening. Wax on, huh?” Brock laughed as he moved his hands like Mr. Miyagi.

“Yeah,” I replied as I laughed out loud with him. He had a full-bodied laugh that sounded wonderful, and was highly contagious. “What do you have going on today?”

“On my way to a meeting about the condo job, but thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing. TJ invited me to go to the lake with you guys,” Brock started, his eyes trained on my face. I wasn’t sure if he was wondering why I hadn’t invited him, or to gauge my reaction that TJ had.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. On one hand, he was totally awesome, and I liked spending time with him. We were sure to have a blast. On the other hand, we weren’t at the stage in our relationship where going on a trip together was a good idea. Would he expect to sleep in the same room with me?

I didn’t know what to say, so I said, “Oh, yeah? Cool.”

What an idiot.

Brock looked at me, his expression unreadable, and continued, “I told him that I have to work on this condo project, or else I’d love to go.” I felt the tension leave my body, then immediately felt guilty about it. “But … TJ did say that you’re doing a big barbecue on Sunday, so if it’s okay with you, I can drive up Sunday morning, around nine … stay for the barbecue, then head home Sunday evening, or Monday morning.”

“That sounds great,” I responded. And it really did. He was taking the fact that I wanted to take things slow into consideration, and not assuming anything. “It should be fun!”

“Great,” Brock said, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek. “See you soon.”

I watched as he walked out and got into his truck. He gave a two-finger salute, then drove off down the street.

“Wow,” Suzy said dreamily. “That is the definition of a man right there.” I giggled and she continued, “I mean, if you look up man in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of Brock right next to it. I don’t know how you can control yourself around him, Gaby. I mean, if he looked at me the way he looks at you, I’d be all over him like white on rice. Just sayin’.”

I smile absently at her words as I worried over the fact that Suzy had such a strong reaction, but I did not. Maybe I could change that.

I liked Brock. And I liked spending time with him. But only one person had ever made me gush over him in that way, and he was currently on the rebound from a long and serious relationship.

I had to wonder if it would ever be the right time for Scott and me, or if I was foolishly holding on to the past. Maybe I needed to move forward with Brock. Give him a real chance. One hundred percent of my focus, and not just what was left over from my ongoing hope that one night, six years ago, would eventually turn in to something more.

I vowed to keep Scott in the friend zone. This weekend, and in my mind. I wanted to settle down and have a family someday, and that would never happen if I continued to keep guys at arms’ length while waiting on something that was never going to happen.

Chapter 11 – Scott

I took a pull of my beer, my leg bouncing under the table as I waited for TJ and Cal to place their order. When the waitress finally walked away, I looked up to see them both staring at me.


“You,” TJ responded.

“What about me?” I asked, confused.

“You’re peeling the label off your beer and rocking the whole fucking table with your leg,” TJ replied.

“What are you nervous about?” Cal asked, then his face turned worried. “You’re not going to tell us that you’re back together with Victoria are you?”

“What?” I asked with a scowl. “No … that’s over, Cal. For good.”

Cal’s face brightened

considerably. He leaned back in the booth and shrugged, “What is it then?”

I figured the best way to tell them was to just spit it out. Once we got to the lake, it was going to be obvious that I was pursuing Gaby, so I thought it best to give them a heads up, so they didn’t freak out. Plus, shit … I was nervous, and I’d decided that if anyone could give me advice on relationships it was these lovesick dogs right here.

“Alright … don’t freak out on me. I know you’re going to say it’s too soon, but I’m going after Gaby this weekend at the lake. That’s why I put this whole trip together.”

They both looked at me, jaws slack.

Cal recovered first. “You’re right, it is too soon. You were with Victoria for years, and you just called off your engagement a few weeks ago. Gaby is not your rebound girl.”
