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Brock looked at his brothers and it seemed as though they were communicating to each other silently, when he nodded then turned to Carson and said, “Let us discuss it and I’ll give you a call.”

“I look forward to hearing from you,” he replied, shaking each of the brother’s hands before leaving them to their drinks.

“Holy shit?” Brendan asked, his face beaming with excitement. “Do you think he’s serious?”

“Carson Brandt never jokes about business. If he says he’s interested, he’s telling the truth,” Brock said, then leaned back in his chair. “It’s a crazy time right now though, with Victoria being pregnant, and Brady joining the police force…”

“Can we let the opportunity pass us by though?” Brendan asked, and I knew he was thrilled at the chance of making one of his dreams come true. “We should at least set up the meeting, see what he has to say.”

Brock looked to Brady, who nodded his consent, then turned to Brendan and said, “Okay, I’ll set it up.”

“Fucking awesome!” Brendan said, slapping the table in his excitement.

Deciding that maybe now was not the right time to add more to Brendan’s already full plate … with finals next week, and a possibility at a record deal, our relationship already seemed to be on the back burner of Brendan’s mind. I moved through the crowd and exited as quietly as I’d entered.

As I got in my car and headed home, I tried to be happy at the opportunity that Carson Brandt was providing for Brendan and his brothers, but all I could focus on was the fact that this was just another path leading him away from me.

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Brendan

I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out of my classroom. The final was over, and I was officially done with culinary school. Even though I’d taken a break, and the course had taken longer to complete than it should have, I’d never had any doubt that I would graduate and be ready to take my place in the culinary world.

Now I just had to figure out what that looked like.

Until now, I’d been so sure that after graduation I would go to France and work under Chef Agard, but Bronagh changed all that. And sure, after she’d kicked me to the curb, I’d been hell bent on getting out of the country, but after a lot of soul searching, and advice from my friends and family, I knew now that I wasn’t giving up that easily. And not only that, but Brock and Victoria were having another baby, which I didn’t want to miss out on, and Brady was going to the police academy. No way was I going to be on another continent when that happened.

Add to all that the possibility of Whiskey Heat recording a record, and there really was no choice. Staying home won, hands down.

Now I just needed to convince Bronagh to take me back…

“Brendan O’Malley,” a familiar voice with a French accent said from behind me, and my heart clenched painfully when I turned to see the man who was once my mentor smiling broadly at me as he walked my way.

“Chef,” I said, careful to keep my tone respectful.

He held out his hand to me as he neared, and I shook it half-heartedly, my face void of expression.

“It’s good to see you again,” he said, seemingly unaware of my less-than-enthusiastic greeting. “I’ve been hoping to run into you. I wanted to give you the good news, man to man, before the big reveal at the ceremony tomorrow.”

I remained quiet, although I knew what he was referring to.

Chef Agard looked at me curiously, then pushed on. “I’d like to officially offer you the position. You can take some time to get your affairs in order here, then come to us in France.”

“No thanks,” I said simply, containing the laughter that wanted to spill over at the look of total shock on his face. I’m sure no one ever turned down a chance to work with him.

His face got red after a moment and he sputtered, “I don’t understand.”

I took a step closer and stared the older man in the eye.

“I have family and friends here that I don’t want to leave right now, but even if that weren’t the case,” I took a step closer and lowered my voice, “I’d never work for a man who has no loyalty, no values … Someone who was lucky enough to marry a beautiful, talented, amazing woman, and then proceed to break her trust by cheating on her throughout their marriage.”

I watched his back stiffen as I spoke, but didn’t give a fuck if he was insulted; everything I said was the truth.

“Be careful, boy,” Chef Agard said, his tone as hard as the look on his face. “Don’t speak of things that don’t concern you.”

I decided to let the “boy” comment go, and walk away.

“You’re making a mistake,” he called out as I reached the exit, but I continued walking without giving him a response.

A million things were running through my mind as I reached the parking lot, so I didn’t notice Calla waiting for me until I practically ran into her.

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