Page 3 of 305 Lovin'

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“Yeah, I brought it with me on the way over here,” he said, taking China and putting her in her booster seat.

My daughter swore up and down that she was a big girl and that she didn’t need to sit in her booster seat, but I’m a mother, a concerned mother at that, and her lil ass was going to be in that booster seat until it was time for her go grow out of it. After putting China in her seat, Jaquan came around, opened my door for me and let me in. After he got in the car, he started it and sped off. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I absolutely hated riding with his ass because he drove so fuckin wild. China, on the other hand, loved that shit because she was wild just like him.

“Where are we going, anyways?” I asked, looking over in his direction.

“We going to go have breakfast at Yard Bird on Ocean Drive,” he said, nodding his head.

As we were driving, I looked down at my phone and it was my best friend Toya calling me. I contemplated if I should pick up the phone because if I told her I was with my baby daddy, I knew she would start talking hella shit. Toya liked Jaquan and vice versa, but their asses stayed getting into it and clowning each other.

“Hey, girl,” I said, answering the phone and looking back at my baby to see what she was doing. She had the headphones in her ear as she watched the TV that was mounted into the driver’s seat of the car.

“Charlie, Charlie, what’s up? What you doing?” she asked me, sounding all loud and shit.

“With Jaquan and China, we on our way to breakfast,” I said, smiling.

“Bitches be like, ‘I don’t love my baby daddy. We just trying to spend time with him before he get back on the road,’” Toya said, trying to be funny.

Laughing, I asked her, “Hoe, shut up. What you called me for?”

“Girl, remember that fine ass nigga Tracy that we saw at the club that night that was trying to talk to you with the dreads?” Toya asked me and I shook my head as if she could see me through the phone.

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“No, I don’t know who you talking about,” I told her honestly. Not trying to sound arrogant but shit, niggas tried to talk to me all the fuckin time, so how the hell was I supposed to remember that? She had to be more specific.

“Girl, the nigga that was in Club Liv the other night. Remember, he had sent a bottle over to our table and he was wearing that all black Robin outfit,” Toya said and then I remembered who she was talking about. I mean, he was fine but he wasn’t my type. He looked like the type of nigga that had to prove to everybody that he had money, which is why he sent that expensive ass bottle of 1738 over to our table. It’s like, who the fuck does that? Plus, I had enough money to buy everybody in the fuckin club a drink.

“I remember who you talking about. Don’t give that nigga my number,” I said to Toya and I could hear her suck her teeth.

“Bitch, your ass is so boring. That nigga was fine as fuck and he said he wants you. He told my cousin Man Man and of course, I had to get your permission first. I wasn’t just about to be handing your number out their like that,” she said.

“Toya, I’m good….” I started but Jaquan snatched the phone from my ear.

“Toya, why you calling my baby mama with that shit? Don’t be trying to hook her up with no lame ass nigga! She already said she didn’t want that nigga number so stop asking her that shit, man,” Jaquan said into the phone angrily and I looked at his ass like he had just lost his mind. Toya said something and he laughed and a minute later, he hung the phone up. I watched as he went and put my phone in his pocket.

“Umm, nigga run me my phone back,” I said to him.

“Nah, Charlie, I ain’t giving your ass shit,” he said and I reached over to dig my hands in his pocket but he quickly knocked them away. “You out of everybody already know that I don’t let nobody go in my pockets. Sit the fuck back, man, so a nigga can concentrate,” he said, looking at me instead of the road.

“I don’t understand why you took my phone, though. I’m not Chantel, you ain’t finna be taking shit from me,” I said angrily.

“You be quick to bring that bitch up. Honestly, I don’t give a fuck who Chantel talk to. That ain’t my bitch and I’ll be glad when you realize that,” he said.

“So why you always with that bitch if she not your girl? I see that shit on the cover of the magazine last week when ya’ll went shopping at Galleria Mall. Fuck you taking her shopping for if you not claiming her?” I asked, my voice coming off sounding too jealous.

“Charlie, because I’m fuckin her, that’s why! What? You jealous? You want me to fuck you, too? Because I will,” he said and I looked at him real nasty.

“Fuck you, I’m not jealous. That’s why when you give me my phone back, I’m going to call Toya back and tell her to give that nigga my number. You be so quick to tell me you fuckin her, well shit, I’m about to start fuckin other niggas too and then throw the shit up in your face and see how you feel about it,” I said angrily. I didn’t mean none of that that had just come out of my mouth, I just wanted his ass to get a glimpse of what the fuck I have to go through. You think I like hearing that the very same dick that took my virginity was now being inside other bitches? I knew Jaquan and I knew that his ass probably fucked a bitch last night, too. He was a fuckin rapper, a new and sexy rapper at that, so I knew he stayed slinging his dick around to these nasty, thirsty ass bitches out here.

“If you want to act like a hoe, then go right ahead! I know you, though, Charlie! And I know you just saying that shit to piss a nigga off. That’s been my pussy for years and it’s going to stay that way. You try to act stupid but you know what the fuck is up,” Jaquan said, followed by a smirk.

“Keep laughing, nigga. Your ass gone be real hurt when I give this pussy away,” I said, turning back around in my seat and focusing on the road.

“Charlie, shut the fuck up, please, because you getting on my nerves right now,” Jaquan fussed and I sucked my teeth and didn’t say shit else to his ass.

I was so glad that our daughter had her headphones in and wasn’t paying us any attention because I hated to curse around my daughter. I felt like it was bad parenting and I didn’t want her repeating things that she would hear us say. Hell, I didn’t even let her ass listen to Jaquan’s music because it was too much for her. But that didn’t stop Jaquan because he would always sneak and let her hear it and she would know all the words within a day or so.

Thirty minutes later, we were pulling up to Yard Bird and we waited to give the valet our car. Literally, as soon as we stepped out of the car, paparazzi came snapping pictures and firing off question after question.
